what to eat on the road

I travel for work and i really need help eating other things... I eat panera almost everyday and it's getting boring. any suggestions?


  • ZoeyRobinson
    What state are you in? How far are you driving.

    I love Chipotle. Would an ice chest work so you can have some hummus and chopped veg or are you driving super long distance?

    When I drove from Montana I didn't feel like stopping so I lived on banana's and protein bars.
  • stabl77
    stabl77 Posts: 3 Member
    I really enjoy McAlisters Deli. I usually get the Chipotle Chicken Wrap with the fruit cup side. Filling lunch at just over 500 calories.
  • roque2406
    right now I'm in houston texas. I usually fly everywhere I go so i cant take an ice chest. i bought some fruit today but i dont want to just eat fruit would like to eat healthy chicken or fish...
  • CowgirlKimi
    CowgirlKimi Posts: 107 Member
    Blimpies has a great spinach wrap that you can get with turkey and ham and no mayo for under like 300 cals! WOO HOO!

  • roque2406
    Thanks for y'alls suggestions!