5k a day in January?



  • eve180
    eve180 Posts: 51 Member
    Sure...3.1 miles a day. This will help me prepare for my 5k in March and reach my weight loss goal. I can't promise everyday but I will make the effort. Thanks for the offer.

  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Sure...3.1 miles a day. This will help me prepare for my 5k in March and reach my weight loss goal. I can't promise everyday but I will make the effort. Thanks for the offer.


    Eve - great to see you're on board! You're most welcome for the offer. 3.1 a day is a great goal and eve if we don't make it EVERY day, I'm betting that we'll do more simply b/c there's a goal in place. Hooray for having you join us!!!

    What's the date of the 5k in March? And is it your first ever?
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    tonight was my night off, went out for sushi and comedy club with the hubby. i did go the gym this am and did 1 hour of step aerobis and 1 hour weight class so i wasnt a complete slacker!!
  • elysetoplin
    how's it going for everyone? i move back into school today so i'm starting 5K a day tomorrow! can't wait!!!
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    just got in from running 5.5 km, finished with the 100 yard sprint. ran the whole way but do not keep time, i am thinking about getting a watch or something so i can see my time and try to keep improving on it.
  • FireWeaver
    Whoooooo...I'll try and join in on this too, although I rarely post on the forums so forgive me. I'm trying to get my time down to 5k in 30 min, which would be brilliant given how short I am...
  • eve180
    eve180 Posts: 51 Member
    No, this isn't my first 5k. This is my 3rd time participating in the Atlanta Women's 5K Walk/Run. I have participated in a 5k every year around the middle of September for the past 7 years. I just decided to become focus earlier than later. Thanks for the encouragement.

  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    i have found a 5k every month for the next couple of months so i am going to do all of them, it will be fun to see if i can keep improving on my official time. it also gives me motivation to keep training harder. is there anyone from the southwest florida area?
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    just got in from running a 5.5km (a cold one at that).
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    No, this isn't my first 5k. This is my 3rd time participating in the Atlanta Women's 5K Walk/Run. I have participated in a 5k every year around the middle of September for the past 7 years. I just decided to become focus earlier than later. Thanks for the encouragement.


    Wow - I'm impressed and inspired. The thought of participating in a 'real" 5k is a bit intimidating to me... one of these days though! Congrats, and thanks for the inspiration.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    i have found a 5k every month for the next couple of months so i am going to do all of them, it will be fun to see if i can keep improving on my official time. it also gives me motivation to keep training harder. is there anyone from the southwest florida area?

    Again, I'm very impressed! When is the soonest one? Let us know so we can cheer you on!
    And, great job with getting tonight's run in.

    Yesterday I fell short of my 5k goal - only went for a 1 mile walk - HOWEVER, it was in the evening and I am happy that I did manage to get some form of exercise in for the day when it looked like it wasn't going to happen at all. My calendar reflects only 1 day so far this year without some form of intentional exercise! I plan to keep it that way.

    This morning we did our 2.2 mile run - total was 5k including walking. Our pace is increasing... but running buddy tells me I need to work on 1) my breathing and 2) being "light on my feet". Apparently I'm running very flat footed - and breathing in and out through the mouth.

    I'm open to suggestions on how to improve....
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    good job smiles for miles. i skip certain days too, the trend is what we want, one day is not going to make or break it. breathing can be tricky, some people really focus on it but as a beginner i found i try to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. i dont like to run beside anyone too because i am tempted to talk and screw up my breathing even more. sometimes i count my breaths and find a rhythm with my breathing to my steps. as far as light on your feet, lol, i felt like i was prodding along many times, still do especially if i am tired or worked 12 hours that day. i do try to visualize myself leaning slightly forward vs straight up and down so i am moving in the right direction, like a momentum kind of thing.

    i did a kickboxing class (cardio) today and a "group power" class, 1 hour of total body weight lifting. getting ready to go run tonight, after baby's bath and bedtime. keep up the good work!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    good job smiles for miles. i skip certain days too, the trend is what we want, one day is not going to make or break it. breathing can be tricky, some people really focus on it but as a beginner i found i try to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. i dont like to run beside anyone too because i am tempted to talk and screw up my breathing even more. sometimes i count my breaths and find a rhythm with my breathing to my steps. as far as light on your feet, lol, i felt like i was prodding along many times, still do especially if i am tired or worked 12 hours that day. i do try to visualize myself leaning slightly forward vs straight up and down so i am moving in the right direction, like a momentum kind of thing.

    i did a kickboxing class (cardio) today and a "group power" class, 1 hour of total body weight lifting. getting ready to go run tonight, after baby's bath and bedtime. keep up the good work!!

    I want to say the same to you - about keeping up the good work. You are committed and it shows. It's nice to have this thread to come to and know there's a little extra accountability. On my run this morning I focused on breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth - I found I have to start with that focus (vs. trying to gain a breathing rhythm after I've already been running for 20 minutes). It was challenging, but I'll keep working on it. I found that I had to run quite a bit slower so that I didn't get winded that way. I'm wondering if it really matters all that much? I'll have to keep working on it and in a week or two see if it's produced any positive results.

    We upped our distance a bit this morning - so the run portion was about 2.5 miles, total was about 3.6 then (if my math isn't off). Then I came home and did Yoga Booty Ballet Core (needed to get kind of centered, I was disappointed in my run).. and after THAT, I did Jillian Michaels' cardio kickbox. I had some frustrations to vent. It felt GOOD to get it all out! :)
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    wow it sounds like you went all out, a lot of exercise!! GREAT JOB!! you almost ran the whole 3.1 miles, you are so close. well last night i had good intentions, was laying with the baby and feel asleep. oh well, i have found that this occasionally happens that i am so tired i fall asleep ay 8pm in my clothes, i have stopped getting upset about. i figured my body must need extra rest. i got up at 4am and went to bootcamp before work and just got in from running 5.5km tonight. felt good but i timed it and was slower than i thought, i ran a 5km last month and did it in 29mins 30seconds, tonight i timed 33 mins but the measurements could be off, we just did it haphazardly with the car. i am going to recheck the distance tomorrow, i cant believe that i am getting slower instead of faster. good luck with tomorrow.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I don't know why yesterdays run was so hard, i just couldn't get the lead out. Maybe it's the new pilates routine I've added in. While I've been doing lunges and other leg work, this seems to be straining different parts of my thighs. As I adjust, I'm sure my core will feel stronger and the runs, better.

    As for your time being slower than before - I've come to the conclusion that some runs are just like that. Just like some are freakin AWESOME and you feel like you could go forever. (Could i have one of those soon, please? :bigsmile: )

    Today my schedule was a bit weird and I ended up doing pilates in the morning and a 1 mile walk with the dogs this evening. It's not 3.1... BUT I plan to get up EARLY tomorrow morning and get a good run in.

    And, btw, I agree.... if you're falling asleep with the baby, your body is telling you something! Good for you, understanding you need the rest... you'll do so much better if you're not beating yourself up. :flowerforyou:
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    thats very true, if your leg muscles are sore or tired, forget it, very hard to go fast. today i did so many lunges and squats that i may have to take advil before i run tonight, i did go last night 5.5 k and my time was faster becuase my husband was running behind me and i felt pressure to keep up the speed. i also did a spin class this morning, i love switching it up, keeps things interesting. i had 3 people today at the gym tell me that i was looking good, so nice to hear compliments when you have been working so hard. i plan on having a little wine this evening so im not sure how my running will be, lol.

    i had someone else tell me today about trying pilates, do you like it, do you have a tape or do you take a class. my trouble is with doing it at home, i have very little motivation and a 3 year old jumping on me. i might try a pilates class at the gym.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    thats very true, if your leg muscles are sore or tired, forget it, very hard to go fast. today i did so many lunges and squats that i may have to take advil before i run tonight, i did go last night 5.5 k and my time was faster becuase my husband was running behind me and i felt pressure to keep up the speed. i also did a spin class this morning, i love switching it up, keeps things interesting. i had 3 people today at the gym tell me that i was looking good, so nice to hear compliments when you have been working so hard. i plan on having a little wine this evening so im not sure how my running will be, lol.

    i had someone else tell me today about trying pilates, do you like it, do you have a tape or do you take a class. my trouble is with doing it at home, i have very little motivation and a 3 year old jumping on me. i might try a pilates class at the gym.

    Wow - I'm not sure I would even attempt running after doing a lunge and squat marathon. Awesome that you're getting positive feedback for workign so hard - that always helps! As does having a running buddy to keep your speed up. We were CRAZY this morning - left while it was still dark out to get the run in b/c i had an early morning meeting. Got the 5 k in. :) Woo hoo! And, I really challenged myself to keep up with running buddy - so my lungs were challenged as well. The breathing is getting better. It's hard to breathe rhythmically but i think it will be worth the work in the end.

    For the pilates - i researched online to find a good instructional video and read reviews on Amazon. I got the Pilates Workout for Dummies - it has a beginner and intermediate workout. I would probably prefer a gym class though... my thought is to do the DVD for a couple of months and then see if I can find one at the Y... Hope you have / had a great day!
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    great job, thats early to be that energetic!! congrats on doing the whole 5k, how do you keep track of how far you are running? do you time it or just run.

    i decided to run an 8k on Jan 30th, i have never even run that far but i know i can do it, just may not be that fast. i am soo excited, its fun to have a run to look forward to.

    do you live in florida, i think you said you live somewhere warm before? i am in fort myers, florida. do you know where that is? i think my husband is skipping our run tonight so i will need motivation to get out there by myself. my goal is the gym 5 x week and run at night 5 x week and i am at those numbers so even if i miss tonight i will be within my goal range. good luck this weekend with the runs.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    i ran 8k last night, didnt stop. i was so excited because that is the longest i have ever ran in one sitting. i guess i will be able to do my 8k race after all!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    i ran 8k last night, didnt stop. i was so excited because that is the longest i have ever ran in one sitting. i guess i will be able to do my 8k race after all!!

    Wow!! Awesome job! So proud of you..... !!!! Where is the 8k race on Jan 30?

    Also, your question from your previous post... i usually carry my ipod with me and it has a clock on it - so I can keep track of how long it takes. As for distance, if I don't have the distance of the route memorized, (ie if I add in a new stretch of road), I'll go out in the car and see how long the route is. And, your other question... i live in Hawaii... so temperature wise, it's usually nice enough to run out. I've heard of Ft. Myers, but have never been there. (Never been to Florida at all, actually).

    I did a solo run this morning (running buddy wants to do Tues, Thurs and Sat this week) and I did the 5k run, with a total distance of 4 miles (with the warm up /cool down walks added in). Felt great! Will be going back out tomorrow.....

    Are you doing 8K again today??