cardio suggestions?

I really would like to incorporate more cardio into my exercixe routine. I used to ride my bike between 10-15 miles a day, however due to shredded cartilage in my hip I cannot ride anymore. Also, my physical therapist said no running or jumping. I am going to see an orthopedic surgeon at the end of this month for probable surgery. I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions about what type of cardio I can do without running, jumping or biking. I walk at least 30 minutes day (briskly) and occasionally I play with my hula hoop, but that's about all the cardio I'm getting. I just don't know what else to do that won't exacerbate my hip pain. The motion that hurts me is flexing my knee to my chest then bringing it down straight again (like pedaling a bicycle). also, please don't suggest swimming, I would love to be able to do that but I cannot afford to go to a gym or pool everyday and the lake by my house is polluted with E.coli and green algae (yuck!) I'm open to any suggestions, just wondering what else I can do or maybe even if it would be beneficial to just start lifting weights more.


    LANIECE1 Posts: 78 Member
    What about a lite Zumba class without the jumping and bending of the knees?
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    Thought about joinging some type of class, but I am SUPER broke right now! Should have mentioned that, sorry.
  • Keep walking, low impact and free
  • I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for, but you can always Youtube workout videos, like Zumba or kickboxing sessions, Jillian Michaels classes, etc. You would then be able to modify the workout and moves based on how your hip/leg was feeling. I've done these videos before when its too late to go to the gym or run outside. They keep you moving, at least
  • Stick your radio on and dance the night away!
  • toadey
    toadey Posts: 1
    Hi there, sorry to hear about your injury, I injured both legs quite badly 5 months ago and will not be able to do any running or jumping around. I have started swimming, I can use my legs as much or as little as I feel able and get good exercise, great for cardio, toning muscles and just generally feeling better

    It was also good for physiotherapy, as it enabled me to start walking without my full bodyweight, waist deep water halves the weight on your leg joints