Im worried my weight loss will stop....

I havent had much success in getting to my weight i want...for those of you who have lost weigh, was there a point where you stopped losing? if so how long did it last and what did you do to start losing again?

This is what I get for getting on the scale. I weighed in on friday and I was sad that it hadnt moved when i got on it today....:explode:


  • annabelmartinez
    annabelmartinez Posts: 63 Member
    Hi... Maybe you should just weigh once a week because your weight can fluctuate day to day especially when you eat more salty foods your weight can go up. I use to weigh myself daily and get soooo frustrated coz the scale didn't move, then I realized that its not the way to go. Once a week would probobly make you feel better =)

    Good luck!!!
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    I have had a very slow go at this too. However, some of the things that have helped is that I would change up my workout routine. I have also started counting my calories, and so far it has really made a difference for me. I think that I was eating too much before. I was working out all the time, and I was getting upset because it wasn't coming off. I have been counting calories for a week now, and so far I have had great results with this.
  • mswing7674
    I think you are expecting to much right now. Weighing everyday is only going to discourage you. Weigh once a week you will be much happier with it. You will hit a plateau when you get closer to your goal and thats when you change up what you are eating and change up your routine. Your are going succeed :)