Been trying to lose 6kg for months - what am I doing wrong?

I'm 167cm (5'5") and 68kgs (not sure what that is in pounds), and I'm trying to lose that last 6kg (about 13 pounds). I walk to/from where I park my car (5 mins from my classes), walk usually at least 15 mins to get between classes and where I have lunch, and exercise at least 3 times a week. I usually have porridge for brekky (50g), some meat and salad for lunch, and meat and veg for dinner. Some days I'm lazy and don't track - like yesterday when I went out for a kebab with classmates, but on the days I do, I'm usually around my goal of 1320.

I was trying to get to my goal weight of 62kg by my birthday in 3 weeks but don't think I'll manage it. I'd be happy to be under 65kg. Where am I going wrong? :-( I thought I ate pretty healthy, but my waist measurement suggests otherwise


  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Ensure you track everyday. A few days of being lazy in a week and not tracking can be enough to not see any results.

    Keep an eye on your sodium, switch up your exercise, switch up your food.
  • shans91
    shans91 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't know if I've been tracking exercise properly...should I track all the walking I do?

    Also it's hard for me to properly track my food since I live in a catered college :-|
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I don't know if I've been tracking exercise properly...should I track all the walking I do?

    Also it's hard for me to properly track my food since I live in a catered college :-|

    Don't worry.. it doesn't have to be exact.. but ask them what oils and fats they use in dishes you're not sure about. If ever in doubt,log the one with second to highest calories from the food database. You can lose weight from diet alone, but you have to try and log everything.. even if its a guesstimate.
  • lgubert
    lgubert Posts: 2 Member
    Cut out all sugar. Well, certain types, sucrose and fructose mainly. It was hard for me to do at first and I had a sugar withdrawal when I first did. And it's hard to do, because sugar is in pretty much almost everything nowadays. But anyway, sugar plays a huge part of keeping weight on because a calorie is not just a calorie.. it is but it isn't. If you have some free time, I suggest watching a youtube video called "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" It's an hour long lecture, and may be a little dry to some, but it's very informative and I found it to be quite interesting.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I suggest watching a youtube video called "Sugar: The Bitter Truth"
    I haven't watched that and am off to work in a sec, but you may be interested in this as a 'counter' view:

    For the OP:
    Exercise like walking around generally will probably depend on how you set the activity level - if it's sedentary, then I presume everything 'extra' should be in.
    I've got mine set on '4' as at this moment I'm incredibly active (shifting a unit of car parts to another unit, so lots of carrying stuff up stairs etc) - working long days so I suspect I'm at an even higher calorie deficit.
    On that, first thing I'd try is to do a bit more exercise - having a dog, it's quite easy for me as I can just increase the length of a dog walk if sat around all day.
    Definitely do your best to track everything - especially with a goal in mind, things like that kebab can put a different spin on it!
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Get into the habit of tracking all of your food. You'd be surprised how much little untracked slip ups can add up to. What kind of exercise are you doing in your workouts? It would also help to have your diary open when asking for help.
  • Febgirl
    Febgirl Posts: 68 Member
    If you are generally eating well, then your portion sizes are probably too big. Try eating the same as you've been doing for the last few months but decrease your portions by 1/3 - you may be surprised by the end of the week on what the scales show :)
  • shans91
    shans91 Posts: 22 Member
    That's probably been my main problem, I'm a real sweet tooth and I've had days where I've been 100g over on sugar! (damn homemade brownies...)

    I've been really good today, but was far under my limit before putting in my exercise, so I've had a glass of flavoured milk just to hit my BMR :-)
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Cut out all sugar. Well, certain types, sucrose and fructose mainly. It was hard for me to do at first and I had a sugar withdrawal when I first did. And it's hard to do, because sugar is in pretty much almost everything nowadays. But anyway, sugar plays a huge part of keeping weight on because a calorie is not just a calorie.. it is but it isn't. If you have some free time, I suggest watching a youtube video called "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" It's an hour long lecture, and may be a little dry to some, but it's very informative and I found it to be quite interesting.

    I would also suggest reading this

    and watching this
  • shans91
    shans91 Posts: 22 Member
    18 days to lose 2.4 kgs and get to my intermediate goal. Considering how hard it is for me to lose it, wish me luck! I maintain weight easily but have such trouble losing it