Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone,

Feels good to be here. I am hopeful that this new platform will help me get me that extra push I need to make my lifestyle healthier.

I am about 216 pounds today and intend to get to 165 over the next few months. Have started out on a 1250 calorie diet. Hope to see some progress soon.

Look forward to interacting with all of you over the next few weeks.

- n


  • jenaranda
    Welcome and good luck on your fitness journey
  • nilayonline
    Thanks for your reply. Feels good to have like-minded people around...
  • emahjain
    welcome, i'm new too :)
  • nilayonline
    Thanks...Good luck to you too !!
  • silverfoxie
    silverfoxie Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome from another newbe. I have been on here a week, and love this site ! I found it by accident, and so glad I did. I love tracking my food because it makes me see what I need, and what my weak points are . Good luck, and again welcome.