28 yo fem 5'6" cw 235, goal 150

Looking for someone with similar height, current weight and goal. I'm 5'6", 235 lbs and my ultimate goal I'd 150ish. Add me if you're Interested in some support. Maybe a text buddy.


  • Martina99
    Martina99 Posts: 2 Member
    31 yo fem 5'3" 180, goal 150 (just like you)! I would love to support you and vice versa. I actually started at 194 in January and got down to 169, but went on vacation, best friends wedding...yada yada.
  • tarag8100
    tarag8100 Posts: 60 Member
    27 yo fem, 5'6" - highest weight 234 - cw 218 - goal 150

    Add me! I could use friends to keep my accountable. Starting on MFP again after not trying for quite a while....