Richard Simmons!!

Seriously, GOOD WORKOUTS he has..I borrowed a few dvds from a friend, and every time I do one of his videos I lose weight by the next day..amazing!! LOL

anyone else out there do his videos?? :)


  • emmie0622
    emmie0622 Posts: 167 Member
    I did them years ago and they are great workouts! May check them out again, I could use some new at home workouts
  • angelbaby52102
    angelbaby52102 Posts: 42 Member
    Yea that's what I needed, I go to the gym and Zumba classes but I was looking for a good at home video
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    My aunt joined one of his programs years ago (in person, not just buying the videos). She was very successful with it at the time, though went back to old habits and gained weight back later on.