Is it painful to lose weight?

"Painful" ... not really of the physical as much as it is mental pain. Losing weight is tough. But I have have been using a product that has helped not only me, my wife and my mother-in-law achieve amazing results. I am not going to try and sell you anything, but if you know someone who needs help, even yourself, you would be remiss if you didn't check out Visalus. Do some research on the net. It has literally removed a lot of pain from my mother-in-law who struggles with severe obesity and arthritis. She now moves around much easier.


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    1st post and it has a link. Hmm. Wouldn't have a referral code in it by any chance, or some other undeclared interest ?
  • lizettye
    lizettye Posts: 12
    for me it was, i lost 28lbs and was experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, my pride was stopping me going to the doctor cos i was fat and only in my early 20s. eventually my chest hurt so baf i went to the gp. he gave me anti inflamatries that did nothing. i started having difficulty breathing and decided to to A&E. after many scans thete was nothing!!! i saw a consultant who diagnosed it as costachronitis and told me that due to loosing weight i had damaged cartiledge on my rib and sternum. it was treatable but scary and quite painful and the annoying thing is the more i loose the liklihood is it will return