Slim N 6 Challenge!

Hello everyone! I'm starting the Slim in 6 six week challenge this week. Just wondering if anyone else is interested in joining, or sharing the success you've had with this challenge.


  • klmh128
    klmh128 Posts: 16 Member
    I just ordered it! I guess I'll be a week and a half behind you lol
  • I'll join! I just started yesterday and am thrilled to see someone going through it at the same time.

    How will this work.

    Should be post start weight for this week and then post again in a week?
  • vmatya01
    vmatya01 Posts: 20
    Glad to see others wanting to join! You can post your start weight, any measurements, and any pictures if you want. Hope we are all successful and meet our goals!
  • vmatya01
    vmatya01 Posts: 20
    Here is my info for this challenge:

    Height: 5'7"
    Start Weight: 184 lbs

    This is week one.
  • FabulouslyFitTam
    FabulouslyFitTam Posts: 70 Member
    I did Slim in 6 before (only stuck with it for 3 days), but this time I'm using it as a second workout. I plan to run in the mornings and do Slim in 6 Ramp it Up/Burn it Up or TaeBo at night. I would love to join this challenge! Feel free to friend me!

    CW: 172
    GW (for this challenge): 160
    UGW: 148
  • vmatya01
    vmatya01 Posts: 20
    Glad you could join for our challenge! Kudos to you for running while doing Slim N 6. I've done Slim N Six a few years back, and stuck with it for a couple of months, and got great results. Just got to keep on pushing myself to get up and do it every morning.
  • I just started Slim in 6 the other day. Today I'm moving on to Ramp it up. It's nice to hear that you got great results doing this routine before.
  • SW: 151
    GW: 130
    Height: 5' 2"

    I'm doing a bit of a mixed plan.

    I'll be doing Slim in Six 4 days/ week and doing the C25K running program on alternate days + 20 mins Turbo Fire Hit workouts on those run days.

    I work long hours and have a little toddler at home to take care of in the evening, so I try to keep exercise to 60 minutes max in the evening after he goes to bed.

    Good luck all!

  • vmatya01
    vmatya01 Posts: 20
    Made it through week one! Today's the starting of week 2.
  • nicnak1981
    nicnak1981 Posts: 56 Member
    just started today!

    current weight is 149 lbs
    goal weight is 135
    height 5' 5''

    i had hopes of achieving my goal by the time i go on holiday in 6 weeks time. i think its a bit ambitious and would be happy with anything under 140lbs.

    i'll be doing Slim in 6 5 days a week and going to the gym twice a week.

    i have already done start it up and slim and 6 pack today, the slim and 6 pack was brutal!
  • blakeevan04
    blakeevan04 Posts: 40 Member
    I just ordered it! I guess I'll be a week and a half behind you lol

    I just ordered it too... can't wait!
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I have already done slim n 6...I did not lose a lot of weight but a lot of inches and toning things up!!!

    My profile picture is my back half way through!! I did day 1, week 3 and week 6 photos!

    Good luck ladies :)
  • klmh128
    klmh128 Posts: 16 Member
    Okay, a few hiccups in the ordering and delivering process because I moved to a different city, but I got it! Starting tonight :)

    Height: 5'2
    SW: 168 :noway:
    GW: 133 :bigsmile:
  • vmatya01
    vmatya01 Posts: 20
    Glad to see more people are joining the Slim In Six challenge! I was doing it for 6 days for the first 2 weeks, but I think I will be taking breaks on the weekends. I'm taking the weekends off right now because I will be moving in a few weeks, I think I'm getting a lot of exercise packing, cleaning and moving heavy boxes right now. This morning, it was back to doing Slim In Six!