Looking for Friends: 30 Losing 40

I am a 5'4" 30 year old female looking to lose 40# to get into the middle of my Healthy Body Weight range. I had lost 40" before and was 13 lbs from my previous goal, but when Weight Watchers screwed with their plan, they messed me all up and I gained 75% back (probably in "free" fruits & veggies :laugh: ).

I'm hoping when I'm done I'll be in the 125-130 range!

Anyone out there like me? Feel free to :heart: Add Me :heart:


  • penycat
    penycat Posts: 3
    I have never tried weight watchers. I could see having "free" veggies but fruit can add up fast with calories if there where considered "free", especially bananas....
    I would love to be your friend!
  • MsHolly731
    MsHolly731 Posts: 54 Member
    I have never tried weight watchers. I could see having "free" veggies but fruit can add up fast with calories if there where considered "free", especially bananas....
    I would love to be your friend!

    :glasses: :flowerforyou:
  • tayzr
    tayzr Posts: 5
    Hey - I was just getting ready to do a post about support in friendships for losing weight. I think it's helpful to lose weight and get/give support when the objectives are closer to the same. If that sounds of interest to you, or anyone else... Let's form a little group and help each other.

    I'm 35 and almost 40 lbs overweight - I work from home and that just compounds the problem. I'm looking for support to help me keep on track, since my self-support is clearly failing. I'm much more than my mirror image, but I'd like, scratch that, love to love my reflection again.

  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I'm 33 y/o.. SW was 217, CW is 191. Want to lose another 56 pounds.
    I did Weight Watchers about 10 years ago and had lost 70 pounds, maintained for about 2 to 3 years and then gained it all back plus more.
    I'm doing Weight Watchers again, but the old plan I am used to (not Points Plus, because I agree, it stinks).. and as you can see, it is working, since I've lost about 26 pounds since March.
    Feel free to add me if you want :)