To Splenda or NOT to Splenda?

I keep hearing the words Natural, Whole, non-processed so my question is should I lay off the Splenda? I put five packets in my tea this morning. I think I took it too far! Thinking I should just stick to good ole' WATER! Can't lose with that right?


  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    A friend of mine was having problems with depression. She thought it was hormonal and saw her doctor who changed her hormones but it did not help. She began doing some research on her own and realized that possibly her Splenda was causing her depression and anxiety. She found many websites linking the two. One of them has some really interesting information about a study done by Duke University. The site states "Splenda is not natural; it is a chlorinated artificial sweetener. There have been no long-term human studies on the safety of Splenda; however, issues have been raised about Splenda in a new study from Duke University. Once she cut out Splenda, her symptoms disappeared.

    Everyone is affected differently by artificial sweeteners. Friends of mine get headaches caused by asparatame. I, on the other hand, am not affected by it.
  • JaneanAriel
    JaneanAriel Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks! Think I'm just going to omit it! Soon, I'll be living off air and air alone after I take things off the eat list lol.
  • dietingdeb
    great information, kim! i still like stevia 0 cals, truvia 0 cals and now they have stevia with sugar 5 cals. i looked up stevia a long time ago and it told what is the background of it.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I bought a box of Sun Crystals. SUN CRYSTALS® All-Natural Sweetener is a new, delicious low-calorie sweetener made from the naturally sweet stevia plant, pure cane sugar and nothing else. It uses the sweetest, best-tasting part of the stevia plant and blends it with pure cane sugar, an all-natural sugar found on tables throughout the world. The blend gives you a delicious sweet taste that is 100% natural and low in calories. SUN CRYSTALS® All-Natural Sweetener is now available in packet and granulated form.

    So I'm going to try that and see if I like it then switch from Sweet N Low.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I am one who had bad effects from aspartame, I get headaches, my brain feels "fuzzy", i become forgetful. My grandmother was diabetic and used a lot of aspartame and would run into things, lose her glasses on her face, her vision became blurry. Once they looked into it and she stopped using aspartame it was like night & day.

    I used splenda for awhile but found that it made me bloated so I nixed that.

    Now I use stevia, thankfully there are so many new brands out there that its not as costly as it used to be. Right now I have Stevia in the Raw packets and cinnamon & english toffee flavored liquid stevia by Sweetleaf.

    but yeah you can't really go wrong with good 'ol water!!