how long has it taken you to get down

How long has it taken you to get down to the weight you are at now?
What weight did you start at?
What are you down to?
What is your goal?
What excersizes are you doing?


  • nannanorem
    nannanorem Posts: 98 Member
    I started around February 2012 and I weighed 156Lbs. I now weigh 130Lbs. I reached my first goal in July and now I am trying to lose another 5lbs by November, my 50th birthday. I am kind of in a rut right now, but I haven't had the time to walk like I usually do. I try to walk every day. I did start out using my elliptical, walking and Jillian Micheals 30 day shred and that gave me my jump start on my weight lose. I feel that eating a lot of proteins has helped me also, but just watching my intake in general has really helped.:happy:
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It took me 105 days to hit my initial goal of dropping 23 pounds (I'll update my weight if I'm still there tomorrow morning). I am going to drop my goal another 10 pounds and see how it goes.

    I just followed the instructions on MFP:

    I set for 1 pound a week
    I log everything
    I always hit my calorie goals
    I dropped my carbs to 50%
    I always ate healthy
    I only walk 30 minutes or so a day for exercise

    II went from slightly overweight (BMI 26) to healthy (BMI 23). My weight has been very stable over the last 20 years but I had gained 10 pounds last year. I've never set out to lose weight before.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Started in January of this year with counting calories on here and walking at the mall since it was the dead of winter. I alternated days walking with doing Bob Harper's weight loss yoga and another of his DVDs I can't remember - Pure strength, Pure Burn may be the name. By March, I started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred only got half-way through when I got bursitis in my hip. In April, I joined Curves - not for the circuit, but for the zumba classes they have three days a week. Once the weather got nice, I started walking outside which turned into my journey into the world of running. I'm now running 5-6 days a week and I walk the 1.72 miles one way to zumba, take zumba and walk home two or three days a week. I ran 7.14 miles straight on Saturday and I've never felt more proud of myself! I dropped 46 lbs steady through June then slowed down. Just upped my calories to match my calorie burn and lost 4 lbs last week, although I only logged two because I don't want to be disappointed if it was just a fluke - lol. I am eating things as I normally would, Monday's is my day off from exercise and if I go over my cals that day, so be it. It all works out! I'm doing my first 5K in September and have a lot of people pushing me to go do a 10K right after.

    I started at 206 now at 158, but wearing the same size jeans (8's) as when I weighed 132 in 2007. My long term goal was 104 (what I weighed after high school). However, I'm large busted and everyone keeps saying that weight is too low so for now, I'm just shooting for 135 and I'll see how I feel from there.
  • InkedBeauty89
    InkedBeauty89 Posts: 114 Member
    It has taken me....about 10 months now and ive lost 55 lbs. Started at 200 and am now 145. My goal now is just to lose bf so i have no clue for goal weight, using the mirror to judge that. I started with just calorie reduction at first getting rid of junk...then i began jogging/walking along with jillian michaels dvds, and now i just started the new rules of lifting for women today.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    It has taken me....about 10 months now and ive lost 55 lbs. Started at 200 and am now 145. My goal now is just to lose bf so i have no clue for goal weight, using the mirror to judge that. I started with just calorie reduction at first getting rid of junk...then i began jogging/walking along with jillian michaels dvds, and now i just started the new rules of lifting for women today.

    Thats awesome!! Congrats to you and all the other "losers" haha ;)
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I started back in 2007. I weighed right around 240 lbs. First, I changed to eating a high protein diet and started running. In doing so, I shed about 40 lbs with 6 months or so. I then added weight training and lost another 20 lbs within a few months. All total, I lost about 60 lbs within a year.
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    How long has it taken you to get down to the weight you are at now?
    What weight did you start at?
    What are you down to?
    What is your goal?
    What excersizes are you doing?

    1. About 1.5 years.
    2. Started at 240 lbs
    3. Now at 194 lbs
    4. Between 180 to 190
    5. Lots and Lots of walking - Running (C25K is awesome program:happy: ) - EA Sports Active 2 (Wii) - Wii Fit Plus - NFL Training Camp (Wii)
  • maureenec
    maureenec Posts: 34 Member
    I started at 163 in January of 2011 and six months later I was 148, with almost no changes to diet, only running and JM DVDs. I lost 5 more pounds in the next few months doing the same. My eating habits aren't terrible (no fast food or candy or soda), but I was enjoying too many little treats at work and at home, so I joined MFP and started tracking in order to get to my goal weight of 135. I have five pounds to go.
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    How long has it taken you to get down to the weight you are at now?
    What weight did you start at?
    What are you down to?
    What is your goal?
    What excersizes are you doing?

    1. 11 months
    2. 315 pounds
    3. 264 pounds
    4. 180 pounds
    5. I go to the gym three times a week for an hour and a half. I start out on the treadmill, then move onto the weight machines, then end with the bike. Plus been on the South Beach Diet.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    How long has it taken you to get down to the weight you are at now? 8 months
    What weight did you start at? 238 January 1st 2012
    What are you down to? 192.2 as of August 11th, 2011
    What is your goal? 130
    What exercises are you doing? Walking at 5mph, hula hooping, and weightlifting
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Started in January of this year with counting calories on here and walking at the mall since it was the dead of winter. I alternated days walking with doing Bob Harper's weight loss yoga and another of his DVDs I can't remember - Pure strength, Pure Burn may be the name. By March, I started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred only got half-way through when I got bursitis in my hip. In April, I joined Curves - not for the circuit, but for the zumba classes they have three days a week. Once the weather got nice, I started walking outside which turned into my journey into the world of running. I'm now running 5-6 days a week and I walk the 1.72 miles one way to zumba, take zumba and walk home two or three days a week. I ran 7.14 miles straight on Saturday and I've never felt more proud of myself! I dropped 46 lbs steady through June then slowed down. Just upped my calories to match my calorie burn and lost 4 lbs last week, although I only logged two because I don't want to be disappointed if it was just a fluke - lol. I am eating things as I normally would, Monday's is my day off from exercise and if I go over my cals that day, so be it. It all works out! I'm doing my first 5K in September and have a lot of people pushing me to go do a 10K right after.

    I started at 206 now at 158, but wearing the same size jeans (8's) as when I weighed 132 in 2007. My long term goal was 104 (what I weighed after high school). However, I'm large busted and everyone keeps saying that weight is too low so for now, I'm just shooting for 135 and I'll see how I feel from there.

    Wow, that's great.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    * How long has it taken you to get down to the weight you are at now?
    I've been at this for two and a half years, now. I decided to do something about the extra person's worth of fat I was carrying around in January/February 2010, and then got serious about it in May 2010.

    * What weight did you start at?
    At my heaviest I think I was at around 240 pounds; I started counting at 224, and started using MFP at 195 pounds, in January of this year.

    * What are you down to?
    Last I checked, I'm about 172 lbs now, down 68 lbs all together.

    * What is your goal?
    My first non-specific goal was to weigh less than my boyfriend, and while that goal was made with a different man in mind, I've met it. My current goal weight is 139 lbs, although being 5'2'', I could definitely go lower and still be healthy. I'm smaller today than I've ever been, having been fat all my life, so I honestly don't know how I'll look with those last 33 pounds out of the way, or if I'll be happy there or want to keep going.

    *What excersizes are you doing?
    Normally what I do for exercise is just walking for 45-60 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week; I have a bike, but I need to fix the tires before I can use it again. Sometimes I swim, when the opportunity presents itself. When I get back to school and have access to a gym, I want to start lifting weights and try to firm up this body as it shrinks.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    What weight did you start at? 301 in November 2011

    What are you down to? 191

    What is your goal? 170

    What excersizes are you doing? Anything I can :) Jillian Michaels Videos. Walking all the time. I have an intensely physical job so I walk around 13k steps every day :)
  • bvixen22
    bvixen22 Posts: 16
    Started at 172 in Jan 2012
    149.6 as of 8/12/12
    Goal is 130

    Walked at 12 incline at 3.8 mph 4 days a week

    Had to stop due to back injury for 2 months but back doing HIIT training 20 mins walk 5 mins run 5 mins.
  • Julie7741
    Julie7741 Posts: 93 Member
    Started at 210 in January 2012
    162 as of today 8/14/2012
    Goal is under 150, although I am currently wearing a smaller size than I did in college at 145. I am 5'4, so could probably go lower, but am choosing to focus on fitness rather than the scale. I have packed some serious muscle onto my legs biking, and I know that muscle weighs a lot. I'm also pretty big busted, and haven't lost those for some reason :)

    Do lots of cardio- 45 minutes on the elliptical 6 mornings per week, ride my bike 10-20 miles at least 3x per week. When it gets cold and I can't ride, I'm hoping to start some weights a few times a week. I feel like the bike really has done a lot- for some reason it "feels" like it burns the most calories.... wears me out the most!
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    Been here since the end of May 2012, and so far i've lost around 23 lbs. I'm 5'6, I started around 205-208 (number isnt exact because i hadn't been weighed since 2009 when i was 205 and i'm sure i gained a couple). Currently around 184, my goal is 140 or a size 8. Really, whichever comes first. I started with Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30, now i'm working through her Body Revolution, and after that I'm not really sure, I'm considering getting a proper gym membership so I can just do circuit training there but I hate gyms and its hard to get a good burn going when you have to wait in lines for the I might just do Insanity or some other video after JMBR.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Time taken - 3/4 months, not sure as I wasn't really counting.
    Height - 5'9.6.
    Start weight - 142-145 Ibs.
    Current weight - 125/126.
    Goal weight - 124/125Ibs.
    Exercise - 60-120 minutes cardio (usually cycling), 5-6 days a week + walking.