Help with weightloss------- roomate trouble

My roommate is the hardest person to live with if your dieting. Reason being. she is an awesome cook! Its hard to resist her good cooking. I always say no and i involutarily eat more. Any restrait tips Plz!?!?


  • ambrise
    ambrise Posts: 7 Member
    I live with two guys who eat everything that makes me gain weight just looking at it! When I first started eating healthier and trying to lose weight it was very difficult to resist the food they where making and ordering. Everytime I got a temptation I would actually talk myself out of it. I would just repeat this isn't worth it. It all really comes down to self discipline. Take one day at a time! Hope this helps
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    eat it just dont eat as much buy yourself one of those portion control plates
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    the thing is, theres always going to be nice food around, you just have to say no sometimes!

    it domes down to what you want more, to be fit and healthy or to eat delicious junk all the time, cos you cant have both!
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member
    Learn to cook great HEALTHY food. And I'm of the thinking that having litterally a bite or two of some things will not throw you off track as long as you are staying within your caloric daily goals 95% of the time.