Why do I do this to myself?

I lost 5lbs over the course of 4-5 weeks, had a new gym programme done up, tweeked my diet.

When I lose some weight, I then go back to eating some crap and gain a lb or two. Why do I not just continue? I think I've done great and I slip back into my old ways. I ALWAYS do this.

Getting my programme changed again tomorrow and my diet is back on track. Exercise needs to be stepped back up again too. I don't understand why I do this. I want to get to my goal weight but if I keep losing/gaining like this, I'll never get there.

Anyone else do this?


  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    I did for ages, and the truth is I just wasn't ready to loose weight. There's no point doing it until you're actually ready and wantingto loose weight and you're in the zone.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Lack of discipline and desire. It takes 21 days to develop a habit, at least do it for 21 days. Log every single thing you eat and hold yourself accountable.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Remember to just stick with your plan. If you slip up, then just get right back to it. Don't rework your workouts because you fell off the wagon, unless there is really something wrong with them (for you). You have to find the right combo of motivation, determination and support. Really, other than getting a 2nd thyroid med, the #1 thing that I am doing different this time is that I found that I feel better, have more energy and feel fuller for longer on some foods than others. For me it is plant based protein instead of animal based protein. I pretty much always have toast with a little natural peanutbutter (and a teeny bit of agave nectar), some almond milk with a little bit of non dairy creamer for flavor and some fruit for breakfast. With that, I feel full until lunch time or close to it. If I eat beans for lunch instead of meat, I'm good for a few hours and snack less than when I have a sandwitch or something. I can eat fewer calories without feeling hungry all the time like I did before. Back then I would try to just eat what I normally would only much less of it and I wasn't getting the fuel that I needed. Find something that works for you and stick with it! Make a small change and after it is part of your life, then make another small change. Too much too fast will be hard to stick to. You can do this!
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member
    Lack of discipline and desire. It takes 21 days to develop a habit, at least do it for 21 days. Log every single thing you eat and hold yourself accountable.

  • jazijett
    jazijett Posts: 8 Member
    I do the same thing, weekends are very tough for me. i wrkout and eat well and friday comes and I'm non stop till sunday and back to starting over mon. Doing this Ive put on more weight than when I began mfp! I'm going to do my best for 21 days as I keep seeing this tip, wish me luck!!
  • jazijett
    jazijett Posts: 8 Member
    Lack of discipline and desire. It takes 21 days to develop a habit, at least do it for 21 days. Log every single thing you eat and hold yourself accountable.
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I don't totally fall off the wagon, just go thru a short phase of eating a few bad things. Kinda think I deserve it after losing some weight. Which is totally the wrong thing to think.

    I'm getting my programme changed as I've been doing the same one for 2 months now and I like to keep myself on my toes and my body on it's toes too! My PT wants to check my progress also as I've lost inches more so than weight also.

    But you are right, I need to be ready to make this a complete life change and stick with it. I love losing the extra lbs, feeling good about myself.

    Right..pep talk over, thanks for the slap in the face! It's what I need right now. Stir fry veg for dinner this evening before spin/gym. Burn baby burn......want to get to 1000cals this evening burnt on my HRM. Burn some of those bad food items to oblivion!
  • duckhunter42
    The hardest part for me it's my work schedule. I work days and nights, and there is not a lot of time to fit in exercise and eating right. I haven't consistently made it to the gym, something I really enjoy doing, in months because of my work schedule. I often feel to tired to go. And then my progress lags, and then I get discouraged and eat crap... Which didn't help. I'm figuring things out, but I've found that it really is day to day. Don't best yourself up if you snack here and there, but don't let that slide into a habit. It's tricky. Best of luck.
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    I don't totally fall off the wagon, just go thru a short phase of eating a few bad things. Kinda think I deserve it after losing some weight. Which is totally the wrong thing to think.

    I'm getting my programme changed as I've been doing the same one for 2 months now and I like to keep myself on my toes and my body on it's toes too! My PT wants to check my progress also as I've lost inches more so than weight also.

    But you are right, I need to be ready to make this a complete life change and stick with it. I love losing the extra lbs, feeling good about myself.

    Right..pep talk over, thanks for the slap in the face! It's what I need right now. Stir fry veg for dinner this evening before spin/gym. Burn baby burn......want to get to 1000cals this evening burnt on my HRM. Burn some of those bad food items to oblivion!

    I find myself doing this so you are not alone. I equate my relationship with food to that of an alcoholics with drink. I do well then kid myself (and I do worry I have a self-destructive tendency here) that I have it under control and a few bad bits or a little bit more in the portion won't hurt. Of course they do and I am just realising I cannot turn a blind eye to the bad stuff or the slightly bigger portions. I am slowly educating myself out of a lifetime of bad eating habits and whilst I won't say goodbye to all the things I love I am learning the true meaning of moderation.

    Keep at it, it takes time and you will get angry with yourself, but you will get there and along the way take huge pleasure each time you beat your habit.
  • NicoleBecca
    maybe reward yourself with something non-eatable when you reach your goals, like a new dress, or something small :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Sounds like self-sabotage to me. You need to get to the bottom of this if you want to progress. I agree with some of the others who suggest you may not really be ready yet to make a permanent lifestyle change. I think until you are, you are going to be doing battle with yourself time and again. Are you dieting? Because diets are generally restrictive and temporary - usually not a good recipe for long-term success. It's difficult to achieve permanent results without permanent changes in your habits. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • turquoise3
    turquoise3 Posts: 79 Member
    I usually fall off the wagon when i loose 14lbs... i "reward" myself with food treats. Not going to do that this time though! I'm determined to reach my goal before Christmas! Keep positive, and tell yourself you WILL succeed :)
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    I really struggled still do with eating everything and snacking..

    To get myself into a routine, I found if i came on here in the mornign and planned my whole day of food then leave around 100 cals remaining for small snacks, and tell myself I only can eat that today thats all thats available, I like structure so it works SOMETIMES but I'm still learning myself but thats something that really helped me.

    Also i'm a mindless snacker, so i now keep a tub of fresh cut cucumber and carrott in my fridge so when im browsing its there available
  • slimsdown
    slimsdown Posts: 122 Member
    1 pack of lard is the equivilent of 1/2 pound in weight.
    Every time you lose 1 pound buy 2 packs of lard and keep them in the kitchen in full view.
    Once you see the lard packs mount it will spur you on. think about where on your body that all came off??

    makes you ponder. xxx
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    Suggest finding the most-naked photo of yourself you can generate. Keep that where you store the money used to buy crap-food. When you reach for the food, and carry it out to pay, you'll be forced to ask yourself "What hurts more? Going without this sh|tty food, OR the sweat it will take to remove this junk from my body?"
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    I do this too! I lose say 5lbs and then think its ok to skip a few gym sessions the following week. Now I have a knee problem and it does get quite sore and more so frustrating than anything I really badly want to be able to run on the treadmill but doctors have told me its a complete no go so I sometimes feel my time in the gym isnt being used to its best potential but I need to break the habbit too - its not easy but Im going through it with you dont worry! I will add you and see if we can encourage eachother a bit more - I always welcome new friends :D
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    Na, I don't believe in diets. I've never been on one, just try and eat healthy and cut the crap out! Been successful for the most part.

    I am ready to embrace a new life-eating change, I just need to rem to eat when I am hungry not pick at things. It's when I get home with the kids and tend to pick so I try and get my dinner ready super quick so I'm full and therefore not likely to pick.

    The weekends I find it hard also as my husband would not be the type to say 'oh off you go to the gym and I'll mind the kids'. I wanted to go on sat but felt guilty and he wasn't exactly enoucraging me to go either so I go 0 exercise in the weekend just gone. THe kids go to bed later at the weekend and I am too tired then to turn around and go for a run at 9.30pm. I have taken to getting up at 4.50am for a run before I leave for work so that's been good.

    My goal is Christmas to try and be down to 154lbs. That would be like a dream for me. Want to fit into a fab dress for my Christmas party and not feel self-concious about my tummy.

    THanks for all the words of wisdom. Love MFP people. Back on track woman!!
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I do this too! I lose say 5lbs and then think its ok to skip a few gym sessions the following week. Now I have a knee problem and it does get quite sore and more so frustrating than anything I really badly want to be able to run on the treadmill but doctors have told me its a complete no go so I sometimes feel my time in the gym isnt being used to its best potential but I need to break the habbit too - its not easy but Im going through it with you dont worry! I will add you and see if we can encourage eachother a bit more - I always welcome new friends :D

    I had knee problems too (from running, me and running are not a match made in heaven!). I now do the bike/cross trainer in the gym. Do this 20mins and 15 mins resp and burn about 400 cals so not bad. I run outside again but take it very easy and only for 30-40mins a pop. I used to do 60mins but then my IT band got sore. Nasty.

    The girls in work are devils for being a bad influence on me! Tea breaks with snacks!
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    I did for ages, and the truth is I just wasn't ready to loose weight. There's no point doing it until you're actually ready and wanting to loose weight and you're in the zone.

    ^^^^ I agree. It helped ME to really work on figuring out why I subconsciously still wanted to be heavy, but I realize that's probably not an issue for everyone.

    In any case. It sounds like you just aren't ready...so, I'd recommend trying to get yourself in the right headspace. Maybe journaling, maybe see a therapist...or just reminding yourself of why with some visual cues around the house.

    Good luck.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I don't totally fall off the wagon, just go thru a short phase of eating a few bad things. Kinda think I deserve it after losing some weight. Which is totally the wrong thing to think.

    You need to find a non-food reward. Rewarding yourself for sticking to you plan, by going off your plan, is a recipe for failure. My current reward is nail polish. It occupies my hands, it's fun, and it's something pretty I can wear that fits no matter what my current weight! Reward yourself for eating well by continuing to eat well.