New and seeking friends and encouragement

Hi fellow forum members :)

I was innocently looking for a site which would tell me how many calories was in a corn on the cob when i stumbled upon myfitnesspal. I really liked the interface and app and have been lying to myself for the past 7 years about my weight. I have decided again to try to lose quite a large amount of poundage and Ive never been down the road of having 'friends' to help., So i thought i would throw myself in wholeheartedly and post on the forums.

Without further ado, my name is Bea and I have put on approx 4 stone in 12 years and I cannot be this big anymore. My clothes dont fit and boys dont like me ;) Im looking for friends to help me once and for all stick to a healthy eating plan and inspire me.

Does anyone wanna help me achieve these goals ? :) xx


  • Tasha12345
    Tasha12345 Posts: 8 Member
    I will!

    I put on a few stone when pregnant with my boy (he is now 5months old) I need to lose this extra weight and some more!
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    I will help too :) add me!
  • Hi guys and gals. I needs some buddies and encouragement. I want to drop at least 20 by the end of the new year, but id be happy with 16.
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    feel free to add me :] always open to new friend requests!
  • pedrnpj
    pedrnpj Posts: 5
    Hi..just joined today and I sure could use a buddy to check in on me and encourage me as well.. Shall we?
  • Hi just joined this week myself. Feel free to add me and we can help each other lose and stay motivated!
  • New as well and if you ladies dont mind i would like to join you all. Im just hoping to get down to 175 (21 lbs) and itd be nice to meet some new people along the way. I almost found a way to lose a pound a day. Please message or friend me if you would like to talk.
    Kenny G.
  • jlandry17
    jlandry17 Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined today too! Would love weight loss buddies
  • Hello members. My name is pam I go nursepam46. I am turing 46 on sunday and I am looking to loss weight and start reliving my life again. I want to look better and get my self esteam back. I put on weight after I got divorced and it just kept piling on. Food is my comfort zone. Wow I just adimitted that. lol. I need help and support in losing this weight. I hope we all can be friends. have a grat day pam:smile:
  • nrm1998
    nrm1998 Posts: 2 Member
    I will! just starting out as well, and would love to be a help to any of you! may need some myself :P
  • Hello everyone,

    Today marks the beginning of my life changing journey. I have been overweight my entire life and only dieted once. I pretty much accepted this weight and continued to live life. However, my perceptions in life has been changing and I decided I want to live a healthier lifestyle. I noticed that my only child is overweight and will soon be obese just like me if he doesn't change his eating habits. I want to be an inspiration to him. I want to be here seven years from now to sit at his high school graduation. I want to teach him that our bodies are our temples and deserve to be treated with the up most care. I have abused my body and my health problems are a result of that. I don't want my son to go through what I am going through and have gone through. I seek friends who will encourage me when I want to turn back to my old habits. When I want to give up because it is hard. I seek friends that will uplift me on this journey and I too will uplift you. I have never attempted to change my life. This is scary but I believe in order to do something great you must do something you never did before. I am doing this. I always keep God in the midst of all I do but I believe he put angels here on earth to help us get through things also. So, I am calling on my angels at this moment in my life. If I never needed you, I need you now. Thanks for listening. :smile:
  • muu_muu
    muu_muu Posts: 7
    Great work people. Im sure with all the support we can give each other we'll all be svelte and healthy in no time :) To those who have added me , I thank you, and to those who i'm adding, im working on it on now :)

    If anyone else wants to friend me once this thread gets bumped go right ahead :) x
  • alfie1313
    alfie1313 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey there :-)

    Feel free to add me! Im always around and will help and support you along the way! :-)))

    Lynn x
  • Kev1452
    Kev1452 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me
  • Hi.
    I am keen to get down to my target weight and lose 67 pounds so feel free to add me if you wish to :smile:
  • Hi, after 2 kids and eating through boredom I'm now looking to lose a few pounds. Not sure how many I'm 5ft 1 and currently weigh 136lb so any idea's as to how much would be appreciated, also after abit of moral support so add me pls x
  • sisterphonetica
    sisterphonetica Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, I'll add you!
  • Aloha Bea :happy: Welcome to MFP and you're welcome to add me too! :happy: