Always angry / frustrated

Hi everyone,

As the topic states I'm finding myself to always be angry or frustrated and feel as though i can not do anything right. I'll hazard a guess that the lack of and interrupted sleep won't be of any help (have a 4 week old daughter who wont settle at night). also feel helpless with my daughter as my wife is breastfeeding so I can't even take over for her when she is tired.

well that's my 'rant' over

thanks for listening


  • phatycake
    phatycake Posts: 216
    Hey, Ive been there. You may not be able to help your wife feed the baby. But you can help with laundry, the chores and her meals. It would mean so much to her if you could do the other things that could be hard on her.

    Hang in there!!

    Mom to 3 and breastfed each one!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Congrats on the new baby! And feel for your lack of sleep!! ... both you and mom of.

    On top of that you have weight loss, or more specifically health improvement goals ... Personally I can't tell you what to do: one always does what answers his/her needs in the short term. You can read my profile to see how I accomplished my goal, and if you have any questions, feel free.

    Your fatigue is making you angry and please realize that's a short term thing until your babe is sleeping more. Your wife breastfeeding is giving your child the best start in life: it will mean a lifetime start to good health. Only if you had a child born sickly could you appreciate how blessed you are.

    My best wishes and blessings on your family.
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Congrats on the birth of your daughter. Your going through what all men feel. After the birth of a child. Just hang on it gets better. Help your wife in anyway possible. Congrats again :smile:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Here's a beer.


    I know life is tough right now and nothing seems familiar and that powerlessness is really frustrating.

    I dont have any kids so I wont pretend to relate. I can only hope that you find some physical activity to throw yourself into, that you will take personal time for yourself, that you will figure out what you must do so she grows up knowing she has a happy daddy and not one that is crawling the walls feeling frustrated all the time.

    Good luck darlin.
  • nyteyz82
    nyteyz82 Posts: 43
    Thanks all, I already help out around the house, Even before baby was born I was cooking every night, trying to do the gardening and trying to get fitter all at the same time, something has to give, the side panel of my car just got a belting now i have to try and pop a nice dint out. i've bought myself a punching bag just need to fill it and hang it. and before anyone even thinks it i will never raise my hand to my daughter or wife, i'd rather stab myself in the neck.

    any other advise or comments?? i'm not liking where i'm at ATM
  • agriffiths73
    agriffiths73 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi. Having kids is great, but it can be hard work for both parents. I know exactly how you feel, you're not quite enough, you're not sleeping right, you're irritable, tired, down on yourself....

    You're doing a great job being a very, VERY supporting husband and new dad. You are probably feeling left out a bit too, as it's all mum and baby together and you may feel a little on the periphery of that. trust me, you're right in there!

    Dad's do seem to get a rough deal early days, you do what you can, be as supportive as possible, but there's only so much you can do, and you want to help out more. You could ask your wife if she would consider expressing some milk, so that if you want to help with the feeds, you can and she can have a break. We did that, and it was great.

    Don't beat yourself up my friend (and noone ever considered you'd raise your voice, let alone your hand). go ahead and setup the punchbag, but sometimes it's better to just be there, try and get some time for you (it's OK to do that) and above all, marvel at and enjoy that little girl!

    You're a dad, it's going to take some getting used to - but it is, without a doubt, the best damn thing ever!!
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    Hi everyone,

    As the topic states I'm finding myself to always be angry or frustrated and feel as though i can not do anything right. I'll hazard a guess that the lack of and interrupted sleep won't be of any help (have a 4 week old daughter who wont settle at night). also feel helpless with my daughter as my wife is breastfeeding so I can't even take over for her when she is tired.

    well that's my 'rant' over

    thanks for listening

    as a mom of three who breastfed all of them... there are ways you can help...1) take baby for a walk durring the day so mom can nap (if you have a jogging stroller then you can jog and get out your frustrations and bond with baby at the same time)... 2) offer to pay for a manicure or something so she can go and get pampered for a while (or better yet offer her a massage with no expectations of anything)... 3) put on some hyper music and hold the baby tight and dance... my oldest LOVED anything FAST from almost day one)...

    I would not ask her to express and bottle feed so that you can feed... introducing a bottle this early can damage the nursing relationship... and if someone isn't able to effectivly pump (like me) then it can make her feel like she is incapable and a bad mother and a million other things...

    I also have to add that sometimes the best thing in the world is to ESCAPE!!! turn off all the phones and lock the doors and put a do not disturb sign and just the three of you lay in bed all day... just snuggle and enjoy and not worry about the outside world...
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    I find that lack of adequate rest combined with reduced food intake is a mood-killer. Maybe move your calories up to near maintenance until you get your daughter's sleep sorted.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    your wife may well feel the same, talk about it... it might help to know its not just you? hopefully baby will sleep more soon... just dont beat yourself up about stuff i guess... after all its just that thing called life!
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    Congrats on the baby. 4 weeks is young to be sleeping through and it is a terrible strain on both parents. It will slowly get better by itself but there are things that you can try to help it along.

    We brought a book that, cannot remember who by but I am sure someone on here will know, called the the contented baby or something like that. It talks about getting into a routine, about making rooms where your baby sleeps really dark at night, about how to approach night time feeds. It didn't all work for us, like breaking a plateux, there was a bit of trial and error.

    We all react in different ways when we are out of control in a situation, exhausted and under stress. I just hate the fact that babies don't come with a user manual like your stereo. I'd probably still not read it but knowing it is there if intuition fails is a great comfort! Try to understand what is making you angry and frustrated. We can blame it on something but it won't go away unless we figure out what it is and deal with it. A punch bag will sort the symptoms but not the cause, but better that than letting things overspill.

    My wife and I always made sure we had dinner together and talked through problems particularly over how we were feeling. It meant we worked out solutions that meant we got a bit more sleep (we set up a bit of a shift pattern), figured out just what she needed from me, what I needed from her. Just getting a couple of hours more sleep and communicating made the world of difference.

    Congrats again - and these sleepless nights are nothing compared with the sleepless nights you will have when your "little girl" starts going out on her own!!!!!!!
  • evademers
    Sleep is so essential for daily well being, i have 3 children and with my second baby i remember being so tired I thought I saw a bird fly onto my bird :) lol Ask your wife to pump some milk and maybe you could help her that way. You should have pumped milk frozen anyway in case of emergency situations and mom cant feed your baby. This will allow her to sleep through the night and then it will be your turn to sleep through the night without feeling guilty that you cant help her during the night :) Give it a try and keep me posted!! Congratulations on your beautiful blessing :) Feel free to friend me if you like!
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    Oh hello, give yourself a break. 4 week old baby in the house!!!! Everyone will br cranky, tired and taking it out on each other.

    My husband did not 'do' the newborn stage and we argued and argued for weeks and weeks when we brought our 2 kids home frmo the hospital.

    Re not being able to participate in the whole bf'ng thing, offer to change the baby's nappy after she is done winding the baby, settle the baby etc etc. If your partner is thinking of expressing, give this bottle.

    I know a newborn can be scary (even as a mum of 2 I can say this!) but things will settle down. Don't be hard on yourself, it's a BIG adjustment for all of you.

    Ah the sleep never get used to them and I used to work 12 hr night shifts. Sleep when you can.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Been there, got the t-shirt.

    Getting enough sleep will be a big help in improving how you feel. And not feeling like you do anything right tells me you worry about how others percieve you - so did I. My advice? Don't give a *kitten*. If you piss someone off, be polite and apologise, but don't dwell on it. If you're late with work, put your head down and fix it.

    I don't know anything about dealing with a newborn, so I can't help or advise you with that side of it.

    Have you done anything that YOU want to do since the baby was born?
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Hi there and congrats on your new arrival! I breastfed my son for 2 months before I called it quits. I started transitioning to formul at month two and by month 3, I was done breastfeeding. I may have wanted to continue but quite frankly... I hated it. There were various reasons I didn't like it but I tell you this because in my son's case, he was sleeping 12 hour nights by 6 weeks old. I credit that to formula unfortunately. Would I have liked to be able to satisfy him myself? Sure. Was I glad I could sleep through the night so I was a happier, healthier, well-rested Mom for him during the day? HECK YA!

    ANyways, as another poster said... trial and error. Try different things and give them a chance to work. If after a while they don't, try something new. I avoided a coilcky baby by changing his dinner time. Took me a couple weeks to figure that one out but I finally did and we were all much happier for it.

    Good luck and again congratulations!
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    me too, I'm currently going through a really rough break up, and I struggle sleeping, feel free to add me if you want at least you'd have someone to talk to at stupid O'clock
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi Angry, Your daughter is very precious and as tough as it is for you, think how it is for your wife. I've had kids and know what you are going through, but you getting up tight about it is probably got as much to do with you losing sleep as your daughter.

    Embrace it, hold your daughter as much as possible1 These days will pass. Enjoy the blessing you have and your nights will bee a lot easier.

  • freakybeanie
    Try mindfulness practices, sound a bit hippified but i did an 8 week class and helped loads in different areas of my life. Lots on youtube, takes a bit of practice and perseverance, BUT even a short two minute practice is excellent for calming, centering yourself and will come in handy when toddler tantrums strike in a few years ;)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Been there - my 2nd daughter was impossible sleeper for 7 years. Let's say that I *understood* how someone could be driven beyond desperation. And there is a reason for that 7 year gap between number 2 and 3, 4 daughters.

    Naps help - see if you can schedule your time to fit baby time.
    Over exercising does not help because being that tired makes things worse. But I ran sprints.

    Talking helped enormously.

    And on several occasions I slept elsewhere - I was not useful for a few night so might as well get sleep. Later, when she was older - we took turns sleeping at the IL. Or just dropped her off for a sleep night.

    She's fine now at 16. But every once in a while I'll sneak in a 5 am and wake her up for a run. Just because. :)
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    you can help with breastfeeding e.g. by giving your wife a cuddle and telling her she's doing a great job with it. Also you can pour her a glass or water (breastfeeding makes you really thirsty) or check if she needs an extra pillow or similar. Breastfeeding can be hard to get established in the early weeks, and even if it's well established she will still need emotional support from you when she's exhausted but still has to feed. So basically you're not useless or surplus to requirements when she's breastfeeding, so don't feel that you are. I breastfed both mine and my husband did these things and it helped a lot, believe me!!

    Lack of sleep or always having interrupted sleep will take its toll on anyone. You're a new parent, it's to be expected so give yourself a break and don't forget to give yourself some TLC as well as caring for your wife and child. Try to find time to get extra sleep, extra rest or relaxation for yourself. The best time for that is when your baby's sleeping.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    This may sound strange and silly, but once I cut back my carbs, I felt less flustered. For me, I think carbs alter my moods. :frown:

    So, maybe cut back on them and see it that works.:happy:

    In the mean time, hope you can get some well deserved rest.:happy: