Help, I keep going over on protein

How important is it not to go over on my protein, I do fine getting very close to my target goal in all other respects and never go over, except for the Protein.

Is it going to work against me getting in too much protein or should I not freak out about it every time I see red?

(For example today everything just under target goal but am 19 grams over on protein)

I shudder to think how much over on my protein I would have gone with my old eating habits! but even then I didn't eat much in the way of meat, and eggs/cheese only every couple of days.

Thanks in advance if you know.


  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    How important is it not to go over on my protein, I do fine getting very close to my target goal in all other respects and never go over, except for the Protein....
    If you still have your macronutrient goals set to the MFP default, it's probably more important that you DO go over on your protein. They're set to 15% protein by default, which is very low. Some people change their macros to something around 40/30/30 (carbs/protein/fat). Protein helps preserve lean body mass (i.e. muscle) while you're losing weight, which is a good thing.

    You're not hurting anything at all by going over on protein - in fact, you're probably doing yourself some good unless you have some kind of medical problem that's exacerbated by high protein intake (kidney disease, etc.). Don't worry about it.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Agree with above post. MFP doesn't give much protein at all. You can change your macros to reflect the amount of protein you are getting so you are not constantly in the red.
  • lindakp1983
    I just started ignoring protein. It was hard for me to stay under the recommended amount. Im always just a little bit over by eating what was a well balanced meal. I'm no expert but I do know that too much protein for a long period of time can be bad for your kidneys. But your diet would basically have to consist of nothing but meat. So you're probably fine. Maybe do some research on some other sites on how much you should have based on your weight, height, and age.
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    Agree MFP sets it way to low....

    You can change it easily.... From Home Page of MFP > Click on Goals> then Click on Change Goals > then Click on custom and continue.

    If your ticker is set right and you want to loe 127lbs. I personally would set Protein at 40% carbs and fat at 30% each.
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Agree with all MFP is setting protien to low, I changed my macros to 50/30/20 (carb/protien/fat).
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I do 40/30/30 and find it works really well, i'm looking at dropping to 30/30/40 very soon however, but I used to always freak out because I was over as well and ALWAYS wayyy under on carbs, then I looked and realize the macros were 55/30/15, which was wayy off for me at least. I've also found for me the more protein I eat the more full I feel on less food
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Just another vote for the default MFP protein being too low.

    I'm over every day and want to stay that way.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    It's fine to be over in protein.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    If you are an adult, and is no longer growing, you only need protein to maintain your muscle mass. If, however, you want to grow muscle, you need protein and then you have to figure that out.

    Otherwise, you don't need a lot of protein. Especially protein in animals.

    Or if you are protein deficient, you need protein. However, there has been not one case of a patient going to a hospital with a protein deficiency.
  • jehuster
    jehuster Posts: 168
    Don't remember where I heard this from but a few years ago somebody told me that too much protein makes you crave bad carbs.
    Don't even know if its true or not. Anyone????
  • TLRivo
    TLRivo Posts: 4 Member
    Wow thanks everyone for the great responses, I will do a bit more research but it does make sense I mean there is protein in almost everything you eat.

    I think I will change the daily protein allowance once I get a better idea what is ok but not too much. I really appreciate that someone showed me where to go to change it!

    <3 this site is awesome!

    Thank you all again
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    Don't remember where I heard this from but a few years ago somebody told me that too much protein makes you crave bad carbs.
    Don't even know if its true or not. Anyone????

    Helloo :smile:

    Well, It's the complete opposite for me.. I try to eat lots of protein.. (eating it at every meal.. and in my 2 x snacks per day) .. Since I started having it in every meal I don't crave ANYTHING.. not a thing.. It seems to satiate me more than anything else I eat.