I'm still hungry!!

jcompton3821 Posts: 109
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Help....I've used most of my calories for the day and I'm still hungry....what to do????


  • rowz_e
    rowz_e Posts: 3
    omg.. I'm so on the same boat!!! :(
  • OneMission
    OneMission Posts: 160 Member
    Try drinking a big glass of water and see if that helps you out.
    If it doesn't grab a 1/2 cup of almonds, peanuts, walnuts etc (if you aren't allergic of course :wink: )
    Nuts are a good fat and often help to curb your hunger.
    Also, protein is a good filler.
    Hope I was of some help :happy:
    :flowerforyou: Teresa
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    listen to your body.
    have something small yet filling. try to stay at 100 calories or less, yet make sure that your not still hungry after.
    do you have time to exercise and gain some calories?

    how many calories are you eating a day? if you often find yourself hungry at the end of the day, then you should increase your calories by 100-200. consistent hunger will often lead to a binge and it means your body is not getting what it needs.

    also, try and make sure that the foods your eating are high in fiber and protein. this will keep you full longer.
    :heart: aisha
  • Thanks girls!! I had a sandwich from Sonic at lunch that I didn't know the calorie count on and that blew my day!!! I am trying to save more calories for nite so I can at least enjoy a bit of dinner with my family...:(...I had salad (which was all the calories I had left) they had chicken spag!! But I've learned my lesson!!!!
  • I like a cup (or large cup) of hot, herbal tea. Like a peach tea or something. I add a little splenda and sit and sip. The flavor helps and the liquid fills the belly. Good luck!
  • scrappy11
    scrappy11 Posts: 163
    Normally when I feel hungry and have no other calories left I will make some green tea or some herbal tea of some kind. It has taste and it normally gets rid of my hunger pains. :) HOpe this helps!
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