30 pounds lost, and 30 pound left to go...help?

This summer I've lost 30 pounds doing the things doctors recommend, like exercising and eating right.
I do classes like Zumba, toning, kickboxing ect.... and using the treadmill the days I don't have class.

I started roughly at the end of May taking babysteps to get where I am now.

Now that I've lost 30 it feels like the weight doesn't want to come off anymore,
like my body is saying '' you lost 30 that's it!''

I'm not the type of person who gives up and I know in time that it will come off but I want to loose at least 10
before school starts (september 6).

The beginning of the summer I weighed in at the scary 230 :noway:
and 30 pounds was my goal
Now I weigh about 198 (still overweight) and want to be at the healthy range of 170
(16 years old)

I guess what I'm asking is why is my body not wanting to loose more? :grumble:


  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Change things up! Change the amount you eat, what you eat, what exercise you do. You're body eventually gets used to what you are doing and doesn't work as hard.
  • tomdVT
    tomdVT Posts: 30
    bump :smile:
  • Jehsakah22
    Change things up! Change the amount you eat, what you eat, what exercise you do. You're body eventually gets used to what you are doing and doesn't work as hard.

    Agreed... swiching up what your eating or what your doing for exercise or how much you eat to "shock" your body and it will respond!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Unfortunately sometimes you plateau. It should not be a long one, considering your youth. Try to be patient, and indeed changing things up like now_or_never1 can help a great deal.

    Try eating more protein and less carbs - if you aren't doing that already. Your body will adjust and you will start losing again. Good luck and do not give up! 30 lbs is GREAT!
  • flag91
    flag91 Posts: 14 Member
    How much time has passed since you have stopped losing weight?

    Insulin resistance is a big thing with women these days and it can slow down or halt weight loss. When we take in a food or too much of a food that causes a spike in our insulin, then it can cause our body to store fat. if this is the case for you, you can look into eating per low glycemic load and it will help your body do what it's supposed to do. And even if it's not the situation for you, it will help. It's not about cutting out carbs, but limiting and cutting refined carbs and simple sugars.

    But i agree, shedding 30 lbs of fat is pretty great. And you may have gained muscle too which makes it look like you aren't losing fat, but maybe you are. Consider asking your gym to do a body fat analysis periodically to see how you are doing. The scale can be misleading regarding our progress.

    Good luck! You can do anything you set out to do! :-)
  • jessiebbabii
    jessiebbabii Posts: 23 Member
    Alright will do! Thank you!!
  • jessiebbabii
    jessiebbabii Posts: 23 Member
    Will try more of it, thank you!!
  • jessiebbabii
    jessiebbabii Posts: 23 Member
    Well I do weigh myself everyday which is not the best idea and not recommended to do I still like to see where I'm at everyday,
    but usually I loose like a pound or two a day which seems kind of ridiculous but now the scale isn't moving and remaining at 198 and hasn't budged for 3 or so days.

    and thank you!!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Well I do weigh myself everyday which is not the best idea and not recommended to do I still like to see where I'm at everyday,
    but usually I loose like a pound or two a day which seems kind of ridiculous but now the scale isn't moving and remaining at 198 and hasn't budged for 3 or so days.

    and thank you!!

    3 days is not a plateau. You need to calm down and realize that weight loss isn't linear. Sometimes you might lose several pounds all at once and sometimes you might not lose anything for a week or two.
    I understand that you want to be at your goal, but you're just going to have to be patient. Put away the scale, focus on improving your fitness and hitting your calorie goal. Wait a month before weighing yourself again. You can do this - but being worried about every little scale fluctuation or hiccup will most likely lead you to frustration and frustration leads to giving up.
  • jheye
    jheye Posts: 36 Member
    It is normal for the rate of weight loss to slow down as you approach your healthy weight- it's kind of like your body putting on the brakes to keep you from losing so much that you are under a healthy weight. The advice to change things is good and will help, but don't be dismayed if you don't keep losing as fast as you did this summer. Just keep eating right and exercising and you will get to a healthy weight AND be able to stay at that weight.
  • jessiebbabii
    jessiebbabii Posts: 23 Member
    You're so right! I guess I'm addicted to reading the scale! Thank you!
  • jessiebbabii
    jessiebbabii Posts: 23 Member
    Will do! Thank you!