Starting over...REALLY!



  • lindab142
    My starting over means I'm back logging in MFP. Just dont' know what happened, but the 3 pounds I lost is still gone! Yay!

    We can all do this.

    For me, it's 1 day at a time and less chocolate
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    I think that "starting over" is not the phrase I want to use-more that I "take a small break" and then continue where I left off (even if I have gained a pound or ....) because we really do not start all over we just have a little break-melt down. I find myself eating for many different reasons, a bad day at work, worry about money, spat with spouse and the main reason is I am a great cook, love my own cooking and love to cook all the "good" "bad" things in life-butter, cheese, fried.........I have been large my whole life (except when I was doing speed (I mean doctor prescribed diet pills) then of course I had a great weight but not health so when I stopped I gained it all back including more than I had to begin with. Now I am learning what the right choices are and really isn't it a choice. I think what is so sad is the fact that to eat healthy it costs more in the grocery store than to eat junk-and with the economy today it makes it that much harder. Just keep looking forward because the past is not the anwser after all it has passed by.:smile:
  • ItsVJ
    ItsVJ Posts: 107 Member
    I actually really needed to read something like this. Sometimes I just need to put on my big girl panties (no pun intended...) and stop feeling sorry for myself. And this comment was the kick I needed.

    Thanks for the honesty!

    You cant get serious again.
    You werent serious last time.
    No its not ok.
    No its not cool that you keep doing this but claim to want a healthy lifestyle.
    Youre living a contradiction and you cant split your goals and your behavior this way.

    Stop it.

    And not tomorrow - for the rest of the day.

    if you drop your phone, you dont pick it up tomorrow, do you?

    Knock it off. Youre a human and we are cool as sht and excuses and starting over all the time because its easier than actually standing up and testing our willpower that we are soooooooo proud of... is LAME.

    My darling girl, its time to show what you are made of.

    or todays?

    Brutally honest but brutally true! Thank you!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    When I first started on MFP last year, someone said something like this

    You don't just decide to lose weight once, you make multiple decisions to lose weight DAILY..

    it's really true :)
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I like to look at it as every day is a start over. The calorie ticker starts over, and every morning I get a fresh start.

    unfortunately your body doesnt see eye to eye with you on this. It ALWAYS feels and shows the consequences of the yesterday you pretended to erase.

    love that quote ! well said

    Every day IS a fresh start, in every aspect of the word. Every day I have a new opportunity to do better, to try harder, to step it up over yesterday's missteps. Not to ignore them or erase them, but to learn from them and strive to do better. I refuse to feel guilty about yersterday, because we cannot change the past, and guilt only feeds the beast.
  • ItsVJ
    ItsVJ Posts: 107 Member
    I wish MFP would place a "like" button on comments, because I would be clicking it all OVER the place on this thread! Awesome words, everybody!!
  • orange_tabby
    orange_tabby Posts: 13 Member
    I have been feeling like this for some time. I always seem to be 'starting over'! There have been some great comments on this string and I think I can relate to all of them. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • mirandamayhem
    When I first started on MFP last year, someone said something like this

    You don't just decide to lose weight once, you make multiple decisions to lose weight DAILY..

    it's really true :)

    I like this!
  • gogidget
    gogidget Posts: 70 Member
    When I first started on MFP last year, someone said something like this

    You don't just decide to lose weight once, you make multiple decisions to lose weight DAILY..

    it's really true :)

    I like this!

    SO TRUE!!!
    I' was recently in a place of self loathing because I fell "off the wagon" so to speak. I had been working so hard for many months, exercising 5 days a week and logging my foods religiously, then I got bored of it all. I think my problem was I stopped being creative with my healthy meals and just went for the fast meals on the run. Well, I've started back on Monday, re-energized:)
  • ninabeia929
    SO SO SO true!
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Since you like to experiment with food, try finding healthy substitutions to use in your recipes. Try to find different ways to make unhealthy recipes "healthy". Thats what I like to do. I looove cooking! And I dont like giving up good taste for good nutrition. There are so many healthy substitutions out there that allow you to still eat the foods you love. :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I like to look at it as every day is a start over. The calorie ticker starts over, and every morning I get a fresh start.

    unfortunately your body doesnt see eye to eye with you on this. It ALWAYS feels and shows the consequences of the yesterday you pretended to erase.

    love that quote ! well said

    Every day IS a fresh start, in every aspect of the word. Every day I have a new opportunity to do better, to try harder, to step it up over yesterday's missteps. Not to ignore them or erase them, but to learn from them and strive to do better. I refuse to feel guilty about yersterday, because we cannot change the past, and guilt only feeds the beast.

    The only way you can successfully negate guilt or regret about the day before is by making healthy decisions on that day. if you eat lousy and skip workouts, you can forgive yourself all you want - but your body isnt all about fresh starts everyday - its all about bio-machinery and what you did to it yesterday is the only thing that affects its performance today.

    If you eat crap and skip your workouts for a week and say its ok i will start fresh tomorrow - it wont stop the scale from reflecting that shotty justification.

    So mentally - fresh start? sure - but your body isn't running on the same system as you.

    You can say its fine to leave yesterday behind- but its only working on your brain and the scale and the caliper dont reflect whats happening in your brain.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I like to look at it as every day is a start over. The calorie ticker starts over, and every morning I get a fresh start.

    unfortunately your body doesnt see eye to eye with you on this. It ALWAYS feels and shows the consequences of the yesterday you pretended to erase.

    love that quote ! well said

    Every day IS a fresh start, in every aspect of the word. Every day I have a new opportunity to do better, to try harder, to step it up over yesterday's missteps. Not to ignore them or erase them, but to learn from them and strive to do better. I refuse to feel guilty about yersterday, because we cannot change the past, and guilt only feeds the beast.

    The only way you can successfully negate guilt or regret about the day before is by making healthy decisions on that day. if you eat lousy and skip workouts, you can forgive yourself all you want - but your body isnt all about fresh starts everyday - its all about bio-machinery and what you did to it yesterday is the only thing that affects its performance today.

    If you eat crap and skip your workouts for a week and say its ok i will start fresh tomorrow - it wont stop the scale from reflecting that shotty justification.

    So mentally - fresh start? sure - but your body isn't running on the same system as you.

    You can say its fine to leave yesterday behind- but its only working on your brain and the scale and the caliper dont reflect whats happening in your brain.

    I took a "sanity break" last week and on my first workout "back" I paid for it dearly. My sprints were more like slow crawls, I was huffing and puffing at the half mile point, my legs felt like lead the entire time. I could barely clear a little soccer cone, let alone the big ol' traffic cones we usually use on my plyo jumps. I thought to myself, it can't possibly be from just 4 missed workouts and a week of eating crap. You know what, my body laughed at me and threw in a couple of leg cramps for good measure.

    You're totally right. Forgiving yourself and mentally starting over every five minutes works in theory but the reality is your body doesn't see it that way.