HELP! Wedding in 2 months!

I'm really determined to get back at this. Ideally I want to lose 15lbs before my wedding in 2 months. I started the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout this week and started logging again today! Im in need of any motivation, help, advice, tips, & just plan pushing that anyone is willing to give me! I'm also looking for any advice on beauty regimens or tips to be in the best shape I can be. I was really faithful on MFP from January until about May and have been slacking lately. Id love to get back at it and lost the rest of my baby weight! I'm always looking for new friends as well! Looking forward to hear all your advice!! Thank you all!!


  • TamekaJ1
    TamekaJ1 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I have been a faithful member for months and fell off, and now I'm back. I would love to show you support. Feel free to add me!
  • CaitlinedB
    CaitlinedB Posts: 67 Member
    Hi there! It's been four years since my wedding but I still remember the struggle (lol, which I failed at so take my advice with a grain of salt as they say ;-)) to lose before the big day. I'd say if you're back on MFP that's a good first step to achieving your goals! You can do this!

    As to beauty tips the things that helped me were drinking a lot of water and treating myself to a couple facial peels in the weeks leading up to the day. :-)

    Feel free to add me!
  • Electrifit
    Hey I saw your post bout your goals for a wedding! I have some tools if you're interested!!! Your goal of a 15 lb drop can be achieved if you do it the proper way and stay on top!!

  • healthybody74
    Hi there
    I understand how you are feeling and the 15lbs can be done! I can say that worrying more about inches rather than pounds is probably the way to go. I have a suggestion we can talk about if you're interested :) Good luck!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    15# could be easy or difficult depending on how "overweight" you are. If you are less than 35# over a healthy weight, it will probably come off more slowly. I don't say this to be discouraging, but so that you don't get disappointed. The good news is if you are less overweight, smaller loses will look bigger. Take measurements of your chest, waist, hips, and thighs right now so that you will see what changes are happening. This is particularly important, because while you might only lose 10# this could be an entire dress size, and you have an important dress to wear!

    My recommendation would also be to do strength training because you can see major body changes in a short amount of time. I am not in the "overweight" category but have seen huge body changes (2 inches of waist, inch of hips) while losing only 2# in just four weeks by doing a heavy lifting routine 3 times a week and eating a lot of calories.

    As for eating, different things work for different people. Eating lots of protein (100-150 grams/day) and very little processed sugars makes me feel fuller and I swear I am less bloated all the time. Don't eat too little (1200 or less--I lost weight averaging 2000/day), don't eat 1200 in junk food, drink lots of water. I'm sure everyone else will have lots of things to say about diet, but this is what works for me.
  • Stevie0018
    Stevie0018 Posts: 21 Member
    OMG! I'm getting married in less then 2 months too! I have about 10 pounds I'd like to lose. We can do this!