Constantly exhausted Mummy of 4, how to start exercising?


I'm a Mummy of 4 young children (Eldest 7, youngest 2) and am seriously, always tired.

I am really struggling at the moment with eating healthily, and I really want to start trying to fit some exercise in. I was going to try C25K, I have all new gear ready for running, but now I am thinking of swimming, which would be better from a burning cals point of view, tiredness point of view and better for my body point of view!?

There is a ladies only swimming session at our local leisure centre tonight but I have thought about it, and I am just TOO tired, I cant contemplate tiring myself out any more!

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I've found that a good workout routine results in better energy all around once you start getting in shape. Especially weight lifting. Cardio always makes me drag and leaves me drained.
  • aritchey1977
    aritchey1977 Posts: 65 Member
    I too am tired from being a mother. I made myself start exercsing in the morning even if it's just for 20min. Believe it or not it will give you energy for the day. If I wait til the end of the day I just can't do it. That's why I started doing it in the morning and it helped.
  • lilangel317
    lilangel317 Posts: 46 Member
    A few questions to ask yourself:

    1. Am I eating enough protein? Too many carbs? Too much sugar?
    2. Am I getting at least 6 glasses of water a day?
    3. Am I getting at least 6 hours of sleep each night?

    These are things that I have found that for me will drag me down if I don't get enough of or too much of carbs and sugar. I have found that I if I push myself to exercise I feel a bit more energized afterwards. Not always but most of the time. I work out on my lunch break and that helps with the mid afternoon lull that I usually find myself fighting everyday.

    I personally would do the running so that you could put the 2 yr old in the stroller and push as I ran. The 7 year old could ride a bike along side or let him get a good jump start and ride ahead of you so you can see him/her. But if your schedule works out better for the swimming then by all means, do what best fits you.

    Just some ideas. Hope this helps.

    Oh and something else you could do is get a B vitamin to take daily. Most multivitamins have a B complex but you can get a B12 vitamin over the counter to go with it. Check with your Doctor to be sure that is good for you.
  • LiseMarieBrown
    LiseMarieBrown Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for your help and tips.

    Most of those last suggestions I am working on at the moment....I saw the Dr recently, I have low blood sugar and regularly "crash", I'm now trying to eat more regularly, and more complex carbs and its definitely working. I reckon I have 8 glasses of water most days now too :)

    Sugar, I definitely need to cut down on, I have a sweet tooth. I have been better last week, but the husband is off work this week and eating plan is a bit random now! But will get back to it on Fri when he goes back to work.

    I would love to work out in the morning, but who would have mu kids?! Its summer holidays here in the UK so all school are off at the moment, all kids at home! Its kinda crazy :)
  • LiseMarieBrown
    LiseMarieBrown Posts: 11 Member
    Oh! And my Doc too suggested a B complex, and I have been taking it about 9 days now! :)
  • luvinlaurakate
    luvinlaurakate Posts: 145 Member
    I was suggested vitamin B-12 for my tiredness. But, it MUST be sublingual. B-12 does not absorb in pill form, and so is pointless to take otherwise. I don't know about the other B vitamins though. I take 2500 mcg, and it has done wonders for me.
  • LiseMarieBrown
    LiseMarieBrown Posts: 11 Member
    I'm taking Berocca, effervescent form, wonder if that's different?
  • sparkles155
    In the past I have use and have to get back into it my kids as help for exercising. Where many people us a twenty pound weight to do squats I us my two year old. He thinks it is funny. It and other household goods I have used as cheap wieghts. I have added wather in milk jugs. I can do this and adjust the weight by adding or subtracting water. When I have dids that are old enough I have played water tag or water balloon fights. The only rule was that we could not stop. Everyone in the game was to remain in motion and these games usually lasted for atleast 30 min. As mothers alot of times I believe that we do not do for ourself because we have kids. If we can help ourselves feel better we will help them so I am all for using what we have around to help ourselves.