Any suggestions for more visible results?

I'm 5'5" and I started using MFP at 192, but my all time high was about 202. I've lost 30 lbs so far and I can tell a difference in my clothes, but it's not quite as noticable as I thought it would be. You hear about people dropping 30 pounds and they lose 4 dress sizes... well I just went from a fat 16 to a skinny 16. (I can fit into 14 jeans if they have some stretch to them.)

I've been focusing on cardio (spin 4 times a week) and eating right because my thought was that I should cut the fat and then work on toning. Should I do it differently? Should I sub some cardio sessions with weight training or just add weight training to the cardio I'm already doing?


  • jessalleyne
    GREAT JOB!!! Losing 30 pounds is no small task!!

    I personally see the fastest results in my body when I do incorporate weights & toning with the cardio. And a day of stretching/yoga can help keep those muscles limber too.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I've lost 20 and not a single inch or difference in my clothes. I'm starting the 30 day Shred to get more strength training in and hopefully see some difference (it combines cardio w/strength training). Also the more you lose the quicker you'll start seeing changes.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    First off, congrats on loosing 30lbs! That's a great start.

    Now, for more visible results, I highly recommend restricting carbs and cutting out grains, especially wheat. I've recently had the opposite issue that you have, After loosing 65lbs, I'm stalled on the scale but I've recently lost 2 more pant sizes, my muscles are becoming highly visible and my overall inch measurements are dropping where they need to and increasing where I want them to.

    I really honestly think that most people could fit into smaller clothes and look slimmer just by cutting grains, and sugar, which greatly reduces the bloat in the body.
  • LindsayG34
    LindsayG34 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the tips guys! I'll start incorporating some resistance type workouts and *sigh* lay off the carbs a bit. When I said I was eating right I meant that my portions weren't scary big, not that I was eating clean so that's a good area to focus on improvements. It's so tempting to adopt the mindset that as long as I'm within my calories I can eat whatever I want, but you're definitely right, Marll, I could stand to cut my carb/sugar content. I'll let y'all know if I turn into the incredible shrinking woman soon!

    Also, thanks for the congrats! I love this positive community! I'm seeing the difference in my face fat :) but hopefully these adjustments will help the rest of my body trim down too. 35ish lbs to go and I'm going to make them count!