Netting less than 1200 calories?



  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Thanks much, all for the clarification. I'm going to try this-since obviously what I am doing is not working. The worst that can happen won't work.

    Thank you for the advice :)
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Thanks much, all for the clarification. I'm going to try this-since obviously what I am doing is not working. The worst that can happen won't work.

    Thank you for the advice :)

    Exactly. :)

    Don't be alarmed if after a day or two of eating more you see a slight increase on the scale. More food means more water weight and more stuff in your intestines. It will not be fat. I suggest that you take your measurements and your pictures first thing tomorrow morning, before eating, so you can monitor those things as well as the scale to keep an eye on whether you're actually gaining fat, which you almost definitely won't.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    The best I can tell you is try eating a bit more each day, like 100 calories per day (goal would be 1300 each day, trying to be clear about it, lol). Give it time, say a month, and see if you start losing weight or inches/cm. Like you said, have a tablespoon a peanut butter (that's about 100 cals, depends on what brand you get).
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Thanks much, all for the clarification. I'm going to try this-since obviously what I am doing is not working. The worst that can happen won't work.

    Thank you for the advice :)

    Exactly. :)

    Don't be alarmed if after a day or two of eating more you see a slight increase on the scale. More food means more water weight and more stuff in your intestines. It will not be fat. I suggest that you take your measurements and your pictures first thing tomorrow morning, before eating, so you can monitor those things as well as the scale to keep an eye on whether you're actually gaining fat, which you almost definitely won't.

    Will do. And actually I don't weigh myself regularly and do not own a scale. I weigh myself about every 2 weeks at work so I don't get so caught up in the numbers part of it. I'll be sure to give updates! Thanks again
  • I just peeked at todays intake..... I'd add some plain old fruit to breakfast, dried nuts like sliced almonds or walnuts to the salad (could do tuna/chicken as well) and swap out half of the pretzels and cookies with low-fat cottage cheese. :)
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I do love cottage cheese-so often we buy it and I forget we have it and it goes bad :(

    Also love yogurt.

    I try to have carbs between breakfast and lunch because my blood sugar tends to bottom out a little bit after my workout-so I need a little carb to keep me going. I usually pair a protein with a starch. I could try mixing it up and doing trail mix though!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Do you need to lose more? You look very thin.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    So I feel like i'm eating enough...granted my diet is getting kind of boring (I do more calories on weekends and more strength training than cardio). Cardio 5 days/week.

    I'm netting less than 1200 calories/day on average, as I always aim for a deficit at the end of the day.

    I know that there are people who will fly off the handle "That's way too little" or those that believe this is just fine.

    I have hit a plateau and have not noticed much weight loss...can you take a look at my diary and give me your thoughts. Honest, polite and straight forward is what I am looking for.

    I think your diary is good but have you tried adjusting your macros a bit? Making small changes in eating habits may prove to help. Like decreasing your carbs by 10-15% and increasing your protein intake. You're usually around 50-60g so 80-85g may help.
  • megcombsmcardle
    megcombsmcardle Posts: 3 Member
    I have the exact same issue. I am in college so I walk everywhere and also workout 5-7 days a week. I eat alot when I get a chance to eat but I have to make myself eat because I am rarely hungry. My weight ranges on a weekly/daily basis...I go from 108-111 and cant get at a constant weight. Can someone suggest something to do to get my weight to go down or atleast stay consistent. I am just trying to get to 105, and for my height and build that is my calculated ideal weight. Thanks so much!!
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have the exact same issue. I am in college so I walk everywhere and also workout 5-7 days a week. I eat alot when I get a chance to eat but I have to make myself eat because I am rarely hungry. My weight ranges on a weekly/daily basis...I go from 108-111 and cant get at a constant weight. Can someone suggest something to do to get my weight to go down or atleast stay consistent. I am just trying to get to 105, and for my height and build that is my calculated ideal weight. Thanks so much!!

    Nobody ever stays at the exact same weight every single day for the rest of their lives. It's going to fluctuate due to water weight, eating more or less food, having indigestion, whatever. It's a good idea to have your goal weight as more of a range of 3-5 pounds on either side of your "ideal" goal weight.
  • I dont follow net calories. I do a TDEE deficit I eat bout the same calories a day regardless of my exercise. Do I net lower than 1200 sure on some days. Im not stalled and im healthy and its obviously working I have lost 52lbs in 6.5 months
  • MommaSpunk
    MommaSpunk Posts: 113
    About two years ago my doc actually ahd me only eat 1000 a day, but in your case I would eat a little over for a few days and see if that does the trick.. I used to have to do that one day a week and either the next day or the day after that I would drop two lbs. That's not saying you will..thats just how I used to be... my body is crazy now!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    1200kCal is a semi-arbritrary figure conjured up by taking the average FEMALE and her BMR.In addition, this is a figure based on the AVERAGE FEMALE to get enough nutrients like protein, fat and vitamins/minerals. Some people will need more or less and it depends on your body composition, height, weight, gender and activoty level.

    Ultimately, if you've got a lot of fat to lose and your ingesting 1200kCal yet netting low, it shouldn't be an issue and so long as you don't have smething like type 1 diabetes, you may even go in to a state of Ketosis which isn't always detrimental as ultimately you are burning fat.

    I regularly net below 1200 sometimes negative... I also sometimes go massively over. It's a balancing act.

    You've probably heard of intermittent fasting too. Sometimes a day of nothing or up to 20% of your alotted maintennce calories is good for you and your weight loss and also has other health benefits to those not trying to lose weight including enhancing longevity.

    So don't believe all the hype of OMG you MUST net 1200. It isn't simply true. You know if you're starving yourself intentionally or not. I wouldn't reccomend it as a life long or long term thing. Certainly a few days a week is fine whilst you're trying to lose weight, but remember you do need calories in the form of protein/amino acids to build muscle to help give you a lovely lean look and keep vital muscular organs such as your heart healthy and prevent you going in to a catabloic state which is where your body is so desperate for nutrienst it metabolises muscles INCLUDING your heart for energy.

    I could go on and on but hey, you get the jist of it!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Just read on your profile you have type 1 diabetes. Be very careful. If you go in to Ketosis it could lead to a further stage of that which is not good for you and very dangerous where you get high levels of nasty by products of metabolising LOTS of fat very quickly in your body as opposed to using normal source of energy such as glucose and glycogen. High levels of ketones and acetone = bad and can change blood pH to dangerous levels amongst other stuff!
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    this has had me confused too. i posted a topic on it but didnt really get an answer. my daily goal is 1350 and i DO eat between 1300-1350, but i burn...A LOT. I also have 120lbs to lose. I end up netting around 350-500 a day. I just never understood if I was supposed to EAT at least 1200 a day or to NET 1200 a day. I do cardio 7 days a week. On Sundays I'll take it easy and maybe do a 50-60min walk and burn 450-475 cals, but on a normal day I am doing 30-55min sessions of Zumba and at my weight and intensity I'm burning 450-800 cals per session depending on how long I go and if I do them once or twice a day (most days I do em once in the morning and once in the evening after my toddler goes to bed). I'm determined to get rid of this weight and i will bust my *kitten* for it but i dnt want to be sick!:frown:
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I'm new to counting calories, so please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong.

    I generally consume just under 1200 a day. I exercise 3-4 times a week and try not to eat my exercise calories. If I do its less than 1/2 the exercise calories. Will I still lose weight? I've plateaued big time and tought I'd try calories counting to shift these last couple of kilo's.
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member
    I've lost almost 50 pounds....for most of that I've been at or below 1200 cals. I'm not starving. I think you have to figure out what's best for you, I tried eating more and it didn't work for I did what was best for me and it worked. I exercise 6 days a week.
  • rms171
    rms171 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been netting less than 1200 calories almost since I started my fitness program seven weeks ago. I went to my metabolic physician and nutritionist, both of whom were less concerned about caloric target and much more focused on nutritional balance. My protein grams were inadequate, which contributed to rapid weight loss the first few weeks. To the 1,200 calorie advocates I will friend all of you and let you see what's in my diary as I am curious how much more someone can possibly eat in a day, especially someone with a lap band such as myself. Trust me I am full as full can be by end of day.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have been netting less than 1200 calories almost since I started my fitness program seven weeks ago. I went to my metabolic physician and nutritionist, both of whom were less concerned about caloric target and much more focused on nutritional balance. My protein grams were inadequate, which contributed to rapid weight loss the first few weeks. To the 1,200 calorie advocates I will friend all of you and let you see what's in my diary as I am curious how much more someone can possibly eat in a day, especially someone with a lap band such as myself. Trust me I am full as full can be by end of day.

    You have a lap band, so of course you'll be more limited in how much you can eat since your stomach has been surgically restricted. So that amount of food might be right for you. It's probably not right for someone who has only 8 pounds to lose and has not had surgery.
  • NickiRae04
    NickiRae04 Posts: 37 Member
    I don't need to look at your diary.

    You know the answer.

    The answer is you are netting less than 1200 calories.

    People don't "fly off the handle" for less than 1200 calories for nothing. It's not healthy. It leads to plateaus. It ruins your metabolism. It makes you lose muscle mass.

    exactly. check out my video "eat more to weigh less"

    I saw the video when I started my healthy journey and I was one of those eat less weigh less people, but after that video I Eat More to Weigh Less!! I'm not eating crappy foods And I'm no starving myself! I want to be healthy and fit not just "skinny"