Need help in figure out menus for when I work

I know that I need to eat when Im at work! See I work 12 hr midnights I go in at 7pm and get off at 7am. I dont know what is the healthiest way to eat . Like what times and what foods ? can anyone help please?


    BRITBRITNOLA Posts: 55 Member
    You must be in the healthcare field. I remember that 7p - 7a shift in the ER. O my. All we did was eat, eat, eat! Because those hours limit your choices for food (mostly fast food and bar food in New Orleans in the late hours) I would prepare my meals and make sure to bring loads of low calorie snacks. It is really hard to maintain a healthy eating plan when working those hours, but you can do it for sure!
  • abetterjune
    What other hours are you awake during the day? When do you wake up/ go to sleep for the day? Any clues as to when you're most hungry? When do you have breaks or when are you able to have a meal or snack at work?

    Like the above poster said, the best place to start is your kitchen at home. Prepare and pack everything.

    Having more info about your day would help with timing though :)
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    Well assuming you sleep during the day, your first meal when you wake up should be a good one - I like a high fiber cereal like Uncle Sam with a banana or some strawberrys and some almond milk. I like a fairly substantial breakfast to get me through the first part of the day. You should do this at 5pm before your shift or 6 at the latest.

    Follow that up with snack, such as some carrot and celery sticks or a High Fiber Snack bar - no more than three snacks throughout the day total and try to cap at 300 cals total or less for all three snacks (i.e. about 100cals per snack). Never eat more than one snack between meals.

    At around midnight, eat another substantial meal. I like boca burgers (2) and some brocoli and low fat dip. Go for low calorie high volume.

    For your final meal and 3am or 4 am, keep it light, such as soup and some bread, maybe some cottage cheese, because you are going to sleep soon and you don't want to sleep on a full stomach. After that, don't eat again, until you wake up and make sure you drink all your water.
  • FrauHausMaus
    I don't know what your specific needs are, or how much time you are spending on your feet or whatever, but protein is going to give you energy and keep you full longer than carbs. Fresh fruits and veggies are always a a good choice, if you have a way to store them. When I pack for work, I don't usually prepare "meals" but lots of little snacks that I'll have time to grab and eat during the day- apple slices with peanut butter or Laughing cow cheese, cucumber slices with hummus, maybe a sandwich or a protein bar (if we have any). That's a lot of hours to fill. Here is a website with LOTS of tasty, healthy, and interesting suggestions for lunches:!i=998960659&k=xSuiV
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    Hey! I used to work 6pm-6am, and now work noon-midnight.... it's TOUGH! Especially if it's quiet.

    I plan my meals to be the same as my day shifts (6am-6pm) but in a different order. Example, today I woke up and ate breakfast, then ate dinner before going to work (largest meal of my day, something hot), and just ate lunch (salad). I keep lots of veggies with me. I eat often, like every 2-3 hours, so I try to keep that up on night shift. I don't worry too much about what I'm eating and when, I just have the snacks and meals prepared and eat what I feel like as the night wears on. I try and bring a bit more food than I think I will actually eat, so if I DO get the munchies I have an apple or some carrots instead of hitting the vending machine :-/

    The WORST is I work with this gang of men who have VERY quiet night shifts, and love to cook. Mainly bacon-based meals. It's hard to stay on track, and even harder when there's the smell bacon wafting through the building!

    One thing that has been my saving grace is doing "big cooks" on my days off. I cook a super-ultra-mega batch of a few favourite recipes, and freeze them in 1-2 serving portions. Then I have something ready on those days when I would otherwise want to order in or go to the caf.

    Do you have a healthy eating buddy at work??
  • Believe1213
    Well I dont really get hungry at nite but I know ur body needs fuel. From like 7pm till 11pm we are moving and really have no time to eat or sit down for that matter. Then after that we just do our rounds (which means see if people are wet and stuff) every two hrs. Im a nurses aide and im also goin to school for my rn. So from midnight till around four is when we can take our 30 min lunch and the girls snack all nite long. Then I get home and sleep till about 1pm then I get up and do it again for three days in a row. Does that help ? I appreiciate the help!
  • Sandraleigh87
    Sandraleigh87 Posts: 52 Member
    I work 12 hours nights also. Do you have a kitchen at work? I bring sweet potatoes and bake them at work. I think you could microwave them also. I sometimes pack green peppers, cucumbers, spinach, and tomatoes individually and bring a tortilla and hot sauce for an awesome veggie wrap. I bring greek yogurt, cottage cheese, string cheese, avocados, stuff like that for when I feel like snacking. And tons of water!!!! Even just buy a loaf of bread and some healthy sandwich stuff-that's pretty simple. Even easier, find a meal replacement protein shake like herbal life or something.
  • Believe1213
    @ bizorra Unfortantly I do not have any healthy eatters at work Im the only one that is watching what i eat. I wish that I did...
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    I work 5p to 5a

    I get up at 2pm have some exercise, eat "breakfast" (anything from cereal to a sandwich to a full dinner, just depends on how I feel when I get done.)

    I eat a light meal after I get my pass-on most days around 6 or so.

    I eat a meal somewhere between 9 and 12 depepnding on how busy the night is.

    Then I eat my last meal around 3 to 4 so I don't eat right before I go to bed.

    I usually hit the sack no later than 7am.

    Then I make sure and budget for snacks and the occassional dessert.

    I eat a lot of yogurt, cottage cheese, fruits, raisins, applesauce, pocket thins for sandwiches, healthy(er) lunch meats, chesses, etc. There are lots and lots of yummy options!!!
    BRITBRITNOLA Posts: 55 Member
    Well, It only takes one to start a revolution. Maybe others will come aboard after they see your success.

    Try writing you meal plans down especially in the beginning or using the tools on this site. I know this helped me before when I worked those hours. This also helps with grocery shopping. Also,try to think of your food alternatives in the area for those days when you forget your pre-planned meals/snacks or when you just don't have time to pack lunch.

    Good luck!