Losing weight without exercising

Is there anyway to do this? I am not the kind of person to go to the gym, they intimidate me. Anyway, that I can lose weight with just normal every day activity?


  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    You need excercise, but you dont HAVE to get it at a gym. Try a dvd at home, you can check them out from the library or if you are able buy a piece of equipment, and USE it(that's key!!, MIL says she isn't loosing weight on her tony little gazelle and I keep saying you have to get on it more than once a month LOL) You can do it at home, I have jogged in place for 30 minutes to get my heart rate up when I dont want treadmil or it is too cold.
  • marialou13
    I was losing without exercising but then I know if you do it with exercise theres a good chance that you wont have loose skin.
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    I believe that you must exercise and eat healthy (and exercise portion control) in order to lose weight. Keep in mind that it's about being healthy, that is what's most important. If you don't like gyms, get outside and walk at least 30 minutes every day. If that doesn't appeal to you, there are tons of online exercise/workout videos that you can do in your own home. I am a member of my local YMCA, which I prefer over typical fitness centers. I feel more comfortable at the Y and that makes a big difference. That's my opinion anyway. Good luck with your goals.

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    WISHFULTHINKING Posts: 167 Member
    you cna lose weight without excercise persue
    but if u think about it, if u eat, right and do everyday activities its the same as excercising you could clean house and burn a good bit of calories, walk, play wit kids, ect.

    normal activities that require movement

    every bit counts
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    As long as you burn more calories than you consume you will loose weight, whether you exercise or not. Exercise is very important for overall health but not for loosing weight. I would suggest to anyone that they exercise regardless if they are overweight or not, as it helps keep you healthy besides other benefits.
  • tamarads
    Have you given any thought to an exercise video? There are lots of great ones out there, I just purchased a Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds, so far so good! It goes from very light 1 mile walk to a very brisk 4 mile. You can squeeze in some time in your own home without the intimidation of the gym. When Spring hits then you can take it outside! Occasionally you can find an exercise class on the tv too!

    I found this website when I was looking for calories burned from snow shoveling.. www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc there is a long list of various activities that you can calculate burned calories for including household chores!

    Good Luck!
  • birdee
    birdee Posts: 6
    I lost most of the 40 pounds without exercising but that was because of physical problems that prevented me from doing the simplest exercise like walking. My goal was to walk three times a week which I achieved late last summer. Now my goal is to exercise on the treadmill 30 min. a day when I can't walk outside. I think for me the only way to lose the last 15 lb. of my goal is to exercise.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    The only thing you need to do to lose weight is to operate at a calorie deficit. You can do that by exercising more, by eating less or both.

    However, if you exercise, you get all these benefits that you don't get if you only restrict calories. Plus, you can eat a little more and that can improve your quality of life. Both tends to work better than just one or the other.

    Some benefits of exercise: improved cardiac conditioning, less risk of cancer, burn more fat and less lean muscle mass while losing, improved mood (from the endorphins). Plus, you'll fit into smaller clothes at the same pounds and you'll look more buff than if you didn't exercise.

    A lot of people think of exercise in a very narrow range. It's only going to the gym, working out to a workout tape, maybe training for a race (running, cycling, triathlon, etc.). And then they say "I can't do that" or "I don't like to do that." But exercise is just moving your body. There are so many things you can do that move your body that aren't traditional exercise or even that are but are fun.

    For example: take a dance class (ballroom, Indian, swing, country, etc.), go ice skating or roller blading, take dogs for a *brisk* walk, gardening, joining a sports league (golf, volleyball, basketball, softball).

    Obviously, some of these things are more exercise than others, but they are all more exercise than not doing anything!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I was losing without exercising but then I know if you do it with exercise theres a good chance that you wont have loose skin.

    That's completely not true. Exercise does nothing for your skin. Exercise works your muscles and skin isn't a muscle!
  • Ressy
    Ressy Posts: 19
    Grats on losing so much weight!
  • Ressy
    Ressy Posts: 19
    Thanks so much everyone for your comments, I will take everything into consideration and even if I just move around more often in the apartment, I am moving not sitting! Now on to the next phase, learning to cook healthy, you see, I have never had to diet or watch my weight, was always the type that could eat anything and lose weight. Now at my age, I've gained and have no clue how to eat healthy!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    You will lose more weight faster if you excercise. If you don't, your in for a long journey