Hi Looking for a Weight Loss Pal .... in UK

holliepop2010 Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I am Hollie , I am from England & I am trying to lose weight after having a baby
I am 23 years old and pushing myself to excerise eg walk & Wii Fit it & run around after a new baby

If there is anyone of a similar boat and wanting a fitness pal to keep each other going please contact me

Hope to speak soon


  • pea26
    pea26 Posts: 23
    hiya hollie :D
    Are you new to the fitness pal thingy ma bobby, how you finding it?
    I live in the uk, margate to be precise, im 26, my profile expains my predicament :D So feel free to add me as a bud on here :D
  • Hi i'm from the north west, can I just say your picture of you and babe is beautiful it took me back to when my 7 ans 8 year old were babies. I'm not a new mum but have gone through the last 7 years of my weight being up and down since having my kids and am now determined to control it. Good luck and well done for being focused on your weight, you will be a brill role model for your child like i hope to be!
  • embr
    embr Posts: 21
    hiya! i'm from kent! :happy:

    i'm also new and really motivated at the moment, but i know there are hard times ahead! hopefully we can all support eachother!
  • yes im new also and yes the support of everybody will give you the motivation to succeed x
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