Just join

I'm 57 years old and I've had a problem with my weight for 37 years. I've lost and regain more than I want to count. My weight is a health issue now so I really want to live until I'm 120 years old. My co-worker is looking wonderful and suggested I join myfitnesspal. So here I am reaching out to like minded people for help :):love:


  • hi i have just joined myself i am 50 years old and have had weight issues too its a little scary and i hope that being able to use the message boards to give and recieve encouragement. good luck
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Welcome both of you! I have only been on MFP since June but have already lost 14 lbs. This is a great site and best of all it's free! I too am in my 50's and need to lose for health reasons. I have limited mobility at that moment, due to recent foot surgery, but keep up with exercise by doing chair exercises. Someone on here actually gave me this tip and I'm always glad to give others supprt!
  • Hi and welcome to MFP family!! BElieve in yourself, because everyone else here already believes in you!!
  • diva7531
    diva7531 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, just joined 2 weeks ago myself and LOVING this app! Of course scanning bar codes is my fav! I "usually" plan my meals for the day and find it fairly easy to stick to the calorie count. I am 37yo and have fluctuated more times than I would like and am back at my heaviest. Looking to get to a healthy weight to be a good role model for my DD.

    Best thing I have learned is, when I have a bad day forgive myself and start again tomorrow.