Started tracking last week - gained 3 lb!?! HELP!

Hey, all!
I started this excitement last week, and have faithfully tracked and stayed within my calorie allottment and hit my excercise goals, but have GAINED 3 LB! This was not in the plan at all!! What am I doing wrong?!
Is this normal?! HELP ME!


  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    Bump. Im experiencing the same thing.
  • Chetanpayne
    Honey, 3 pounds could be simply water weight! Or ( assuming you are a woman by the Mrs. before your name) it could be the monthly hormone rush us woman get.
    Do NOT get discouraged, please! I get stuck for a week or so and lose nothing. Then I go down a pound . Then it sticks, then down. I think if you keep it up, for WAY more than a week, make this a lifetime and lifestyle change, then you WILL see the results. It is simple math! Those 3 pounds PLUS will go! I promise!
    Good luck on your journey!
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    It is more than likely water weight. Up your water intake and the scale will probably move next time you get on it. It's a gradual process and sometimes our body goes into shock when we first start fueling it with the right things. Hang in there. :-)