What to do after a "bad" day?



  • claismit
    claismit Posts: 21
    I do a bodyweight circuit and drink two bottles of water before bed and fuss at myself because I know better and then- since if I can sabotage, I can also retaliate - i spend the next week showing temptation who is boss.

    I like this idea too :)

    It is also a GREAT feeling to REALLY want something and to just say no to it and go get a great work out in! It is really good for your mental health to not allow yourself every little thing. With sacrafice comes success!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member

    Nothing's impossible I have found
    for when my chin is on the ground
    I pick myself up
    Dust myself off
    Start all over again.

    Great song. Great advice.
  • If its not too bad. I put the food on the next day and make up for it then with exercise. But if I go over too much (and I haven't), I would just forget about it and move on.
  • legs_n_bacon
    legs_n_bacon Posts: 478 Member
    Get over it. Move on. Tomorrow is another day.
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    I beat my kids. It is their fault. Little *kitten*.

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    just start over fresh...if you can make wiggle room the next day by cutting cals a bit or getting in a bigger workout GREAT, if not, do what you can the rest of the week to salvage it and move on to the next one.....

    good luck,
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I say, oh well, and then have a good day. It's done, it's over, move on.
  • hotjacki85
    hotjacki85 Posts: 287 Member
    I do a bodyweight circuit and drink two bottles of water before bed and fuss at myself because I know better and then- since if I can sabotage, I can also retaliate - i spend the next week showing temptation who is boss.
    ^^^ i like this
  • I go back to my regular eating plan. Since MFP already creates a deficit, unless you go over like 500-1000 calories you'll be okay, you don't need to starve your body of food because you had a bad day. Get back on the horse and keep riding.

    ^ This.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I used to have this horrible habit of overeating just because I made a few bad choices. Like if I ate a donut for breakfast, then all day long I would eat terribly instead of just letting the one mistake go and moving forward. Someone once asked me, "if you get a flat tire, do you puncture the other three tires?" And it made sense to me. Now, when ever I scarf down a candybar or something else thats not in my healthy eating realm, I just let it go and move on. I was sabotaging myself so now whenever I make a mistake and think about bingeing, I say that sentence to myself a few times and go for a walk!
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I usually just start over the next day.
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    Don't beat yourself over it, just log it and move on. Tomorrow is a brand new day. :flowerforyou:
  • JJPAL1
    JJPAL1 Posts: 15 Member
    New day, new way. Pray, ask for guidance and forgiveness, especially to yourself, soometimes we feel I need to beat myself up, I'm doing too good."Forget about it". If you gain, they are called fluff pounds and will go away, just focus forward and get back on the track and GO. Keep your goals posted and GO, to the goal and away form what you really don't want. Forgiveness is a big thing.
  • dmh0204
    dmh0204 Posts: 81
    I used to have this horrible habit of overeating just because I made a few bad choices. Like if I ate a donut for breakfast, then all day long I would eat terribly instead of just letting the one mistake go and moving forward. Someone once asked me, "if you get a flat tire, do you puncture the other three tires?" And it made sense to me. Now, when ever I scarf down a candybar or something else thats not in my healthy eating realm, I just let it go and move on. I was sabotaging myself so now whenever I make a mistake and think about bingeing, I say that sentence to myself a few times and go for a walk!

    I used to do this too. Hell, I think I still do it. After I've had pizza for lunch, for some reason, it's really hard not to say, ok, I screwed up today, may as well have ice cream, too. That's obviously wrong. What I should say is, hey, I'll have a light dinner and go for a run.

    As in, every meal is an opportunity to make a good decision. Not just every day.