Goal weight reached...now what?

Hello! I just wanted to be a size 8 and I have comfortably reached that goal. Unfortunately, since I lost more weight and my weight loss is set at 1 1/2 lbs a week and since I lost more weight MFP set me at 1,200 calories. If I change my settings to lose 1 lb a week or maintain it is going to up the calories. I am concerned that will put weight on. Is it ok to add maybe 100-200 calories (because 1,200 is too little for me to live on permanently) or will that add the lbs back on? I know if I even set it to lose just 1 lb a week it will give me 1,440 calories and I do feel that will add some of the lbs back on. Can anyone provide information about this?


  • I think you have the right idea: add 100-200 calories and see how that suits you.

    For what it is worth, the hardest thing for me is to maintain my weight. I seem to lose quickly when I get serious but when I switch to maintenance mode I slowly gain weight (about 1 pound per month consistently, which would average about 120 calories or so per day). In the past I have not kept track of calories while maintaining, so perhaps logging is the way to go.

    Congratulations on reaching your goal!!!!!!!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Hello! I just wanted to be a size 8 and I have comfortably reached that goal. Unfortunately, since I lost more weight and my weight loss is set at 1 1/2 lbs a week and since I lost more weight MFP set me at 1,200 calories. If I change my settings to lose 1 lb a week or maintain it is going to up the calories. I am concerned that will put weight on. Is it ok to add maybe 100-200 calories (because 1,200 is too little for me to live on permanently) or will that add the lbs back on? I know if I even set it to lose just 1 lb a week it will give me 1,440 calories and I do feel that will add some of the lbs back on. Can anyone provide information about this?

    If you are on a calorie deficit how can you put weight back on? In all reality, 1.5 lbs per week is way too aggressive for someone your size and weight. You should be aiming for 1/2 lb per week and eating some exercise calories back. Most women I work with are eating 1700-2100 calories a day. Also, do you exercise?
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Congratulations on reaching your goal!

    I'm worried about this too. I am very comfortable eating what I am now, and have been losing consistently. I am going to drop my goal another 10 pounds because I think I can and I'll look better. But then what? I don't want to lose beyond that and I definitely don't want to gain. I know all the research says maintaining weight loss is the hard part. And you need to keep it off for a year and a half for it to become 'stable'.

    I have read that regular exercise is critical for maintaining weight loss and I plan to do that, although I expect it will be just continued walking and tai chi for balance, toning, and increasing bone mass.

    I agree that upping yourself 200-300 calories above what you are actually eating (not your goal calories, but your actual) and seeing how your weight fluctuates with that is very sensible. I think the actual eating rather than goal is critical, because I know I eat less than I'm supposed to and changing my 'goal' without changing my behavior wouldn't be helpful.
  • flsl
    flsl Posts: 75 Member
    Congrats! Well done!
    You should really celebrate! Are you going to buy a new outfit or something! Something nice just for you:-)

    I took a break for a while once I know my portion sizes were under control. I found that I could eat a bit extra a day (esp around breakfast time... if you eat early you have a chance to burn it off, and it seems to get metabolism going)

    I found if I skimped on exercise, the weight could come back fairly quickly.

    So a decent brekkie, keep up exercise and maybe keep lunch and dinner similar to what you have been doing.

    Lower exercise levels also make me feel more 'flabby' even if Im not putting on much weight. Hope that helps :-)
  • boston6
    boston6 Posts: 158 Member
    First of all - CONGRATULATIONS!

    You're taking the right approach. Add back in some calories and adjust accordingly.
  • ricky_j_b
    ricky_j_b Posts: 64 Member
    awesome and congrats!!! I hit my target a week and a half ago,added a bit and lost another 1 1/2lbs,going to stay the course and let the chips fall where they may.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    The amount of calories to add back in is very individualized. I initially added all the calories back that MFP recommended, but found that I gained a couple pounds in the 1st month. So, I changed it to an increase of about 150 or so calories a day and eat back about 1/2 my exercise calories, and that seems to be good for me. I will second the statement that if you decrease your exercise, no matter what you do with your calories, the weight will come back. It just doesn't seem right, but it's a fact.- at least for me. The idea of increasing your calories by 100-200 and see what happens is very smart.

    I've found maintenance to be a bigger challenge than weight loss, but I've learned a lot about me and my body through the process.

    Good luck!
  • kparks2
    kparks2 Posts: 121 Member
    First off thank you all for your congratulations. To answer a previous post I eat my exercise calories back, trust me I could not live on 1200 cals alone ha ha ha. I just upped it to 1300 to see how that works out and yes everyone I plan to continue to exercise because I am also working on toning and I love the energy I get from exercise. I appreciate all the advice because 1200 was too little for me; I have definitely been going over a few calories most of this week. I will try the 1300 plus regular exercise and see how that works. I am not sure about 1700 cals a day because I think that will definitely add some lbs. I will up it if I need to but I definitely need to have a calorie count I can work with to maintain too.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    First off thank you all for your congratulations. To answer a previous post I eat my exercise calories back, trust me I could not live on 1200 cals alone ha ha ha. I just upped it to 1300 to see how that works out and yes everyone I plan to continue to exercise because I am also working on toning and I love the energy I get from exercise. I appreciate all the advice because 1200 was too little for me; I have definitely been going over a few calories most of this week. I will try the 1300 plus regular exercise and see how that works. I am not sure about 1700 cals a day because I think that will definitely add some lbs. I will up it if I need to but I definitely need to have a calorie count I can work with to maintain too.

    If you post your height, weight and exercise routine, I can run the numbers for you.
  • kparks2
    kparks2 Posts: 121 Member
    First off thank you all for your congratulations. To answer a previous post I eat my exercise calories back, trust me I could not live on 1200 cals alone ha ha ha. I just upped it to 1300 to see how that works out and yes everyone I plan to continue to exercise because I am also working on toning and I love the energy I get from exercise. I appreciate all the advice because 1200 was too little for me; I have definitely been going over a few calories most of this week. I will try the 1300 plus regular exercise and see how that works. I am not sure about 1700 cals a day because I think that will definitely add some lbs. I will up it if I need to but I definitely need to have a calorie count I can work with to maintain too.

    If you post your height, weight and exercise routine, I can run the numbers for you.

    5'5 1/2, 157.8 and I exercise 7 days a week at least 90 minutes - mainly aerobic high impact
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    First off thank you all for your congratulations. To answer a previous post I eat my exercise calories back, trust me I could not live on 1200 cals alone ha ha ha. I just upped it to 1300 to see how that works out and yes everyone I plan to continue to exercise because I am also working on toning and I love the energy I get from exercise. I appreciate all the advice because 1200 was too little for me; I have definitely been going over a few calories most of this week. I will try the 1300 plus regular exercise and see how that works. I am not sure about 1700 cals a day because I think that will definitely add some lbs. I will up it if I need to but I definitely need to have a calorie count I can work with to maintain too.

    If you post your height, weight and exercise routine, I can run the numbers for you.

    5'5 1/2, 157.8 and I exercise 7 days a week at least 90 minutes - mainly aerobic high impact

    Well first off, your estimated BMR is 1505 (total calories you burn if you slept 24 hours). You are very active if you workout 7 days a week.

    TDEE = 1505 * 1.725 = 2596 <-- average calories burnt a day
    Calorie Requirements = 2596 * .8 = 2076

    So yea, you can definitely eat more than 1700 calories a day.

    On a side note, you really shouldn't workout every day. It doesn't allow your body to recover which is really important. Also, if you cut down on aerobics and started doing some heavy weight training (3 days a week) and ate around 1800 calories, you would start cuttting at. Right now, you are just setting yourself up to lose muscle mass with how you are eating.
  • YoYo1951
    YoYo1951 Posts: 370
    bump for later. I can dream can't I?
  • kparks2
    kparks2 Posts: 121 Member
    First off thank you all for your congratulations. To answer a previous post I eat my exercise calories back, trust me I could not live on 1200 cals alone ha ha ha. I just upped it to 1300 to see how that works out and yes everyone I plan to continue to exercise because I am also working on toning and I love the energy I get from exercise. I appreciate all the advice because 1200 was too little for me; I have definitely been going over a few calories most of this week. I will try the 1300 plus regular exercise and see how that works. I am not sure about 1700 cals a day because I think that will definitely add some lbs. I will up it if I need to but I definitely need to have a calorie count I can work with to maintain too.

    If you post your height, weight and exercise routine, I can run the numbers for you.

    5'5 1/2, 157.8 and I exercise 7 days a week at least 90 minutes - mainly aerobic high impact

    Well first off, your estimated BMR is 1505 (total calories you burn if you slept 24 hours). You are very active if you workout 7 days a week.

    TDEE = 1505 * 1.725 = 2596 <-- average calories burnt a day
    Calorie Requirements = 2596 * .8 = 2076

    So yea, you can definitely eat more than 1700 calories a day.

    On a side note, you really shouldn't workout every day. It doesn't allow your body to recover which is really important. Also, if you cut down on aerobics and started doing some heavy weight training (3 days a week) and ate around 1800 calories, you would start cuttting at. Right now, you are just setting yourself up to lose muscle mass with how you are eating.

    Thanks for the numbers. I do strength training at least twice a week. I tend to add cardio though. I appreciate the numbers but from the research I have done it is suggested add 200-250 cals each week to see where one maintains because 1700 might be correct but since bodies are different that might be too much. I do agree with you that I need to not workout so much so I plan to take just a day for some muscles and no cardio. I can live on 1,440 cals a day ha ha even without exercise. Funny according to MFP I should still lose 1 lb a week which is fine because I would not mind losing just a few more to be a fully comfy size 8. Women are complicated I know. :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    We arent different... i know we all believe we are all special butterflies but everyone loses weight by eating less calories than we burn. We all maintain when calories in and out equal..etc.... some people have variables such as, pcos, menopause, hypothyroidism, celiac disease, etc.... Most of those are effected by gluten or will slow your metabolic rate but the premise of weight loss is the same. I would bet though, this would account for 20% or less of the population.

    I would agree to up your calories slowly to see where level out but you may be surprised that its higher than you think. Good luck though.