Just another carb question.

I'm 17 years old. I run almost daily. 5'4, 130 pounds. I'm looking to lower my body fat percentage by about 5 or 6%. I've been eating lots of carbs it seems, almost 180 a day. I've done low-carb before and it just freaks me out cutting out a food group, because I feel the day I want carbs I'll end up binging and gaining everything back plus more. Right now my macros are set to 150 carbs a day and 113 protein. 1500 calories (without exercise.) Should I try to eat under 100g carbs to lose bodyfat or just eat the good carbs below 150 and be fine? This macro thing is so confusing.


  • BeantownSooner
    You don't have to cut them out completely just change the macros a little bit to see what works best for you. Try a 30% Carb/50% Protein/20% Fat for a month and see if that helps change your body composition. If you feel too tired for your workouts you may need more carbs but seek out complex carbs like whole grains and sweet potatoes. I personally use 40% Carbs/40% Protein/20% fat but many on here also do 40%/30%/30%.
  • kmiagia
    kmiagia Posts: 104
    Yeah. I don't like cutting food groups. But if it means that it will be best in the long run and get me to my goal, it's worth it.
  • texastango
    texastango Posts: 309
    I'm 17 years old. I run almost daily. 5'4, 130 pounds. I'm looking to lower my body fat percentage by about 5 or 6%. I've been eating lots of carbs it seems, almost 180 a day. I've done low-carb before and it just freaks me out cutting out a food group, because I feel the day I want carbs I'll end up binging and gaining everything back plus more. Right now my macros are set to 150 carbs a day and 113 protein. 1500 calories (without exercise.) Should I try to eat under 100g carbs to lose bodyfat or just eat the good carbs below 150 and be fine? This macro thing is so confusing.

    I can't give you an educated answer to your question now - I'm at work - but, if you PM me I will send you some helpful hints. Macro percentages are not as important as absolute numbers many times and the quality of the food you eat. It depends on what you are doing and the goals you are trying to achieve doing them.

    Depending on the activity you are doing and when you are talking about: As an example - carbs before workout should be mearsure in grams/kilo and time prior to exercise. During exercise best results are obtained with a specific amount (ie 30-60 grams/hr if exercising 1-3 hours) and it's not weight based.

    So the timing of nutrition and the formula you use is simple..but takes some learning....and if you are just doing it for health reasons there are different considerations.

    Let me know if you want some info that you can verify elsewhere.
    Best of Luck!
  • kmiagia
    kmiagia Posts: 104
    I typically eat all my carbs through things like fruits, vegetables, oat bran, oatmeal, dark chocolate... can't be too bad, right?
  • kmiagia
    kmiagia Posts: 104
    ANOTHER THING with low-carb... I can't eat dairy.. would that have an impact on my decision?