Anyone tried meal replacement shakes?

I'm trying one, 2 shakes a day = 400 kcal
1 600 kcal mean a day and 2 100 kcal snacks = 1200 kcal
But it wasn't working so I'm doing a mixture trying to keep to 1200. There is a lot of sugar in them, could this be shy it isn't working ? Have they worked for you ? I'm fed up of being fat !!!


  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm doing the body by vi (Visalus) 90 day challenge. I love it. But if you're concerned about sugar intake you can control by making your own meal replacement shakes using skim milk and low-calorie yogurt. I use vanilla yogurt or plain so that I can mix in whatever I want without it being yucky.
  • lorraine311
    lorraine311 Posts: 127 Member
    Yes...Body by Vi...Wonderful!!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    1 - You don't have to drink your meals to lose weight.

    2 - OP it's been less than 1 month, sometimes it takes people a little longer to start seeing results. Are you exercising? If so, you might actually not be eating enough if you're sticking strictly to the 1200 goal.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    I've tried them, but it didn't take me long to realize I didn't want to replace my meals. Who wants to drink calories rather than eat them? Not I!
  • clairerose11
    clairerose11 Posts: 95 Member
    They make me fart !!!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Personally I would never have these things because of the ingredients: sugar (as you mentioned) and unhealthy fats and goodness knows what else. It's a quick and easy way to appear to have a meal, but it's not appetizing and in the long run, not a real way to approach eating. Don't you deserve to take the time for real food?
  • cwade1021
    cwade1021 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm really on the fence about these.

    I'm constantly on the go- I have a 1 and 3 year old and then I work 5 hour shifts once my husband gets home from work... getting my 6 small meals a day in can sometimes be tricky and I like the idea of portability- also not a huge breakfast person and often I skip it- I've considered it for my breakfast to ensure I get something into my system.

    I haven't tried them but I've thought about it. I'm interested in hearing other people's opinions and thoughts!!!

    My only concern is the expense. Yuck!
  • moniem77
    moniem77 Posts: 4
    yes! i think they are great! the one i am doing is great for after a workout one scoop of double chocolate perfect whey one cup of milk three ice cubes and a cup of frozen berries ( i like cherry) put it in a blender and its like having a cherry chocolate milkshake and it keeps me full. the whey is full of protein that helps your muscles repair after you workout and its 320 calories
  • doofer1
    doofer1 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks folks. Will probably keep to how I am now. It's just easy to do the shakes in the week when I'm busy with baby. But I know I can always have a sensible meal instead. Wish me luck for weighing tomorrow !
    P.s the only exercise I do is walking the baby as often as I can, circumstances permitting so not a great deal :0(
  • manda1002
    manda1002 Posts: 178 Member
    I have a shake as a snack, or after a workout, but for myself I refuse to replace a meal with a shake. I'm making a lifestyle change, and I don't want to get into the habit of having a shake instead of a meal, then get to maintenance and gain weight because I'm switching to real food. Do you really want to drink the shakes forever? Once in awhile is probably ok, but extended is not a good idea IMO.
  • Glenruth
    Glenruth Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I have been using exante meal replacements based on the cambridge diet. This includes shakes, soups and nutrition bars. Started in November 2011 and now starting to fade off the diet as I have passed my target weight. Certainly worked for me but does require a strong will and dedication. MFP also helps monitor and keep motivation going.
  • doofer1
    doofer1 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh god no ! I'm not drinking shakes for the rest of my life lol.
    It seems to have helped to shrink my stomach so when I fo eat I don't eat as much and now all food seems exciting so I get cravings for veg whereas before it was cake. I just need to loose my baby weight then eat my usuall healthy diet. Once I start back to work it will be easier also x
  • aquarianpixi
    aquarianpixi Posts: 131 Member
    I try to keep a case of slimfast in my locker at work. I usually only have a 15 min break so if I try to eat something that fast I usually start feeling sick, but if I drink a shake then I can make it through the rest of my shift without feeling hungry or ill.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    There is a lot of sugar in them, could this be shy it isn't working ?

    Yes, the sugar is creating more craving and hunger for you. Rule number one to beat the fat and the insidious attack of the global commerical food industry is to kick the sugar addiction. Cold turkey! You will only feel lacking for the first three days at most, then, stay off of it and you will do fine.

    I use high-quality protein shakes daily. When researching for them, zero or near-zero sugar was a requirement, with as high a protein count as possible and still taste great. My attitude toward the no-sugar meal replacements is that it is "my medicine". As a formerlly morbidly obese person, now just obese and knocking at the gate of the Onederfuls, I am addicted to unhealthy food, I am very sick and this way of eating not only gets rid of the symptoms (the fat on my body) it is healing me on the inside, strengthening me so that I can successfully fight the good fight for the rest of my life.

    The first three days are the hardest. And, each time you fall off the wagon, the next day is hard because you are having to fight the very real but evil sugar cravings again.

    Best of luck to you!

  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I used Slim Fast a few months before my wedding to slim down. It's true what rthey say - as soon as you start eating proper food again you put all that weight back on. You're better off looking at an overall sustainable healrthy eating plan, rather than replacing meals with shakes. That way you teach yourself to eat properly and can keep it up long term, rather than using a quick fix that will not have lasting results. I put on 5 stones since I got married 8 1/2 years ago. I've now dropped 1 1/2 sontes since I came here and plan to get down to half a stone lighter than my wedding weight (as it was still at the higher end of my ideal weight range and I'd like to have a little bit of breathing space there!). This time, though, I'm doing it properly - re-educating myself and looking at both my food choices and my activity levels. I'm a lot happier doing it this way than I was crash dieting with shakes, and this way I'm never left hungry (I was always starving on the shakes!).
  • The problem that I have with them is sustainability! You won't be drinking two shakes per day for the rest of your life. I'll drink a whey protein shake in the morning or post-workout, but I'm not replacing actual food with a shake. Also, be careful if you lose weight too quickly. It's a vicious cycle. Losing weight with shakes or anything else extremely fast can lead to a lower metabolism because about half of the weight you've lost is actually coming from muscle tissue, not primarily fat. Less lean muscle means a lower metabolism and means more fat storage. When you start eating food again, then your body will continue to hold onto the fat it had, convert the new calories from food into fat if not careful, and before you know it your 20lb weight loss has turned into a 30lb gain.