Motivation and repetition... I dont have it

My biggest struggle over the years has been self motivation.

I'll get motivated for a little while (couple days) and really work out hard, watch what I eat and drink tons of water. Somehow I'll justify a "cheat" day and before I know it, I'm cheating all the time again. Whaever weight I've dropped in those days I gain right back and then some.
I dont know why I have such a huge problem staying motivated. Maybe its because Im one of those people dying for quick results. I know better, but I still want them.

Ive tried alot of things, reminders, notes on the wall, etc. to keep me motivated. It works for a little while and then I'm over it.

In summary, I need this site. I need the positive vibes from the people here. The cheering section that keeps me getting up and on my treadmill, the people that look at my food diary and say, "Matt, you've had 3 sodas today... time to switch to water!"

I know me, I know I'll cheat if i dont have someone telling me to do better. MFP says for my height I'm obese. Damn.. just the word hurts.

I can't be this person anymore, I have to find the cut up 165lb Soldier that I once was. I can be that guy again.

Fellow MFPers .. If you'd like to add me, please do. I can use all the workout buddies and little Jiminy Crickets possible.

Thank you for suffering through my pitty party and I very much look forward to talking with you all. Good luck with your journey!


  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    I've been there and I still have my days. But I was the same exact way, I would buy healthy foods, and end up eating McDonald's after a few days. I'd sign up at the gym and go for a few days and then justify a reason for not going. It wasn't until I found this site that I had people watching me and paying close attention. If my friends don't see that I work out on the days I am supposed to, I'm in big trouble. I'm good about being honest when tracking my food and my friends look at it. If I have a few sodas (I've got a problem with that) they will say something. I'll be very honest with you and tell you when you need to get your *kitten* together. I'm excited! :D
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    Im glad to find someone that can relate. And I'll take that swift kick to the pants .. I'll admit .. I need it most days!
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    I'll kick you if that's what you need! Read my profile and send a friend request to me if you like.
  • reneeeeeh
    Feel free to add me! I hope I can some offer some support
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    Feel free to add me. Sometimes just knowing someone is watching, gets you to push harder and eat better
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Hey MattF, I've been saying the same thing! If you need someone to check your progress and give to a pat or a kick, feel free to add me!
  • akathatoneguy
    akathatoneguy Posts: 38 Member
    I've been having trouble in terms of eating healthy foods. I still stay more or less at my calorie goals, but I'll justify fast food or (my real Achilles' heel) pop by saying to myself, "I'm at my calorie goal and I got my protein, so no biggie".

    Also, weight loss is a secondary, although important, goal to me (#1 being muscle building) so I've sometimes had bad days. The trick is not to beat yourself up over it and instead to just try to do better the next day, I think. That said, I haven't exactly mastered it, either.
  • mrnls
    mrnls Posts: 95 Member
    Motivation and commitment two of my down falls :cry: feel free to add me (and anyone else) as I am great at motivating others and looking for new friends to that for me