Young guy from Ireland

WesleyQ Posts: 2 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
At 18 years old I was almost 250 pounds, I began healthy eating and walking and managed to get down to around 180 pounds. I'm now 23 and I'm in a major plateau, my weight is creeping back up and I'm now 195 pounds. My exercise routine is not the problem, I walk over 8 miles a few times a week and regularly cycle to and from college, as well as take part in fitness classes twice a week in college. The ironic thing is, the past september I started to study health and fitness which includes classes in nutrition.

I'm here to get back on track and begin to loose the fat again


  • Good lunch, I mean good luck on your goals. It aint easy, but its worth it. I struggle even minute of every day. Like today for instance. Here I was doing well over the past few days then boom, there I am at the airport hungry in front of mcdonalds. So I bought two not one, but two sausage egg mcmuffins. ugh. Then my clients are late and I am waiting so I went to get a cup of coffee and of course boom, there is donuts. Again, not one but two donuts. So in the matter of 45 minutes, I had about 1800 calories. But I left the airport and drank a ton of water and started right back on track. Go for it dude, you can do it.
  • Welcome to MFP. I joined in December and I have to tell you that this is the best place ever! Everyone is so kind, and supportive. Good luck on your weightloss journey!

  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    David, David, David, you need to come up with a survival kit "airport food" :happy: you can eat at mcy D's just go for the grilled chicken wrap (no sauce), egg mcmuffin (no cheese you wont miss it all all) Donuts, walk fast past that ummmmmm. check out the internet, I have my survival kit writen down. If Im hungry or craving .............. I will have this. You can do this to, dont you want that body that wont quit or girls checking you out. You can do this to, the internet has all the info you need. Try harder, whats more important a 500 calorie donut or having a steak. Good luck, I know you can do better choices.
  • WesleyQ
    WesleyQ Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to getting tips and support here.
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