New....... looking for friends/support

Hello everyone! I signed up on Myfitnesspal a loooooong time ago, but never really used it. But, starting today, I'm ready to really commit. I know it's not going to be easy, it never has been, but it will be worth it. So, if anyone would like to be friends, add me as a friend! We could support each other and cheer each other on!!!! :smile:


  • worldofme
    worldofme Posts: 87 Member
    Hi and Welcome!!

    The first step is the hardest.....and look you have already done it!! Committed to a healthier lifestyle....Good for you!! It's not easy but it is worth it!
  • kdchick99
    kdchick99 Posts: 104 Member
    adding as a friend... Support and a general "Great job" can make anyone's day!
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Adding you as friend. I joined once before too and didn't really stick with it. Now that I am reading the community post, it is really helping me to stay motivated. You can do it!
  • I too joined a while ago and lost track of everything. I'm on a mission to get healthy for myself and my family. Add me as a friend so we can all help keep each other on track :D
  • nuhnuhjuey
    nuhnuhjuey Posts: 1 Member
    I am new too .... I'm at the end of my rope trying to do this on my own. I live in a town with no friends and work far from home so my friends live far from home and gas is too expensive to travel to them or them to me. I would love to have *friends* online that can keep me motivated and moving. I used to drop weight with no problem but with a devastating divorce, menopause and aging in general, it doesn't come off like it used to. :cry:
    Wish me luck! :smile:
  • Way to go, i am sure you will do awesome! Dont get discouraged and try to keep you end goal in mind. most welcome to add me if you want.
  • Thank you everyone! Wow! So much support! :smile:
  • soyasee
    soyasee Posts: 19 Member
    Hi tinkerbell. I'm a newby and would love to be friends so we can support each other. I've yo'd yo'd for years but I'd really like to make it work this time. I hope you'll write soon! soyasee