exersize with a 2 yr old following me everywere



  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Other than walks and hikes, I can't exercise with my 2 year old. He just runs all around me and climbs on me :smile:
    I did over a year exercising after the kids are in bed. I recently started going to the gym during my lunch breaks at work. I think you'll have to either do it before he gets up, during nap, or after he goes to bed.

    The post that suggests putting a 2 year old in a bouncy seat or walker made me laugh! :wink:
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    I totally have a 2 year old too. It is difficult some days she is all about getting her weights and jumps (I am a Jillian Michaels fan) other days she is not going to be happy with me if I am not giving her all my attention. I love having her get involved even if it means I have to stop a few times. She weights 30 pounds sometimes I will pick her up for lunges, hops, (which to be safe are calf raises) and when it is ab time she crawls all over me which is actually harder. I do the girl pushups because she is always on top riding me like a pony when in pushup position. Just holding plank for the same time with a wiggly toddler is tough enough. When you guys are playing on the floor you can do leg lifts, super mans, streches....or just wake up early.
    I get workouts in when she is napping I push through the grogginess and do what I can do with the free time. I try to get 5-6 days in. I have a treadmill so that does make it a bit easier. But I don't use it when she is awake. good luck, remember they grow up quick. My 6 year old says "mom aren't you going to workout" or "mom go work out " which is pretty amazing!
    Ah, moms of toddlers! ~Corina
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Set up some toys in the room with you, act really excited about exercise and how it's "how mommy plays!" and see if your kiddo will play with his/her toys while you play with your exercise stuff. I did 30DS, Ripped in 30, and am now doing Insanity. My 2.5yr old tends to watch, join in on her favorite moves, she'll sometimes request certain videos "Can we do the one where Jillian Micheals is in the blue bra????" (ripped in 30), etc. Make it seem really exciting!
  • vivianahm
    vivianahm Posts: 54 Member
    I have a 3 and a 5 year old (who were 2 and 4 when I began working out). I work out with them following me around or participating with me. I do a stationary bike and I make them play up on the couch we have on that room, so that they won't get in the way of the pedals, or I do exercise videos (30 day shred) and they do them along with me with weights made of Lego.
    If it doesn't work (because they're sick or whiny or whatever) I just work out after they go to sleep, no matter how tired I am. Because I am always tired, I decided not to use that excuse... there will never be a day I'll be so rested that I'll rather work out than go to sleep.
    Thay don't take naps anymore and they do go to school, but I go to work while they're at school, so I've had to figure out ways to work out with them, and they've come to understand it. "Don't go bother mommy, she's at the bike now"
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member

    ^photo is too small, but THAT stroller has a way the jogger has hands free, is IN some type of harness thingie.


    or, just FOLLOW that two year old around!! hee hee!

    or, get together with other parents, one watches the kiddos,
    other ones exercise,
    then swap turns.

    or, set the child up with something to do,
    and reward him for doing whatever for however your child can pay att'n, reward can be going somewhere, playing his favorite game, read him a book, chasing him around, whatever.
    and after a while,
    maybe the child will get routine, "ohhh, i do this here PLayDoh for 20 minutes, and mom will take me to the park! cool!"
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I have been a single parent for the last 8 months to my DD who will be 2 next month and it has been very challenging (hubby is away on business except most weekends).....what I have done is I get a sitter one week night a week when she is asleep so I can go lift. I've also taken her for several walks (when weather permits), we do a fitness DVD together (she loves to dance) or I work out after she goes to bed with kettlebells. I also work full time....if there is a will, there is a way. Best of luck!
  • LowFatMama
    LowFatMama Posts: 625 Member
    I'm assuming your little one takes a nap around mid day or so. That's a good time to get one in. If you don't have any work out videos, there are tons of websites you can look up at home workouts with out having equiptment. also YOUTUBE has lots of videos to work out to. BodyRock.com is a website that has tons of at home work out ideas.....if alls fails, have your baby do it with you:) i have my 3 year old...she likes to try to work out with me for fun
  • InsaneReidy
    Sounds like a workout on its own!
    :) LOL
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    once I did a leg video a home and accidentally kicked my 2 year old son across the room! I TOLD him not to stand there. it's still a funny story! he was fine, BTW.
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    You could try turning it into a game that you can do together. I recently did something like for my 10 year old daughter who needs to stop gaining weight until her height catches up with her! I picked a show she likes to watch that they have on Netflix instant play that has lots of catch phrases and off repeated lines and made her a chart that associated each one with a particular exercise. So for instance every time the theme song plays she does 10 jumping jacks. For another line she has to jump rope 20 times and so on. In between times the rule is she has to keep moving and not sit down. I know a two-year old can't read yet but you could make the list for yourself and narrate it for him as you go along. Say if he likes "Blue's Clues" for instance, every time Joe finds a clue you could do windmills or squat punches or jumping jacks. Anything you like....that way you are both exercising and he is getting a good example from a young age while still spending quality time with mommy....all of which are invaluable investments of time!
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    actually, you CAN see the photos above better in this thread ...

  • llsand
    llsand Posts: 87
    I work full time so when i get home i have to get things ready. To do my workouts i have two options : Either my husband takes my 1 1/2 year old away and i do my workout ( 30 day shred ), or, i wait that he's asleep and do it then. Those are the two options i have, working out with him is not an option as he loves to take out spaces and jump and dance on my workout mat :)
  • Kasmira0004
    Kasmira0004 Posts: 79 Member
    I have a 15 month old and a 2 1/2 year old, it's definitely hard trying to incorporate a workout in with both of my girls awake. I either try to do it before they wake up in the morning or after they go to bed at night. Otherwise I just try to involve them in it and usually pick "Just Dance" or Zumba so they can dance along with me. If they're both having a MOMMY MOMMY!!!! day, I just chase them around the house and play "monster" because it's better than nothing haha :)
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I have a 17 month old and a 3 year old. One or both of them wake up very early (6am or earlier) nearly every day, so I have to use nap time for workouts. I let my 3YO watch a Disney movie or show while the baby sleeps and I exercise. (Don't judge, it works for me.)

    Edited to add: I work out to DVDs with weights in my kitchen, so I'm right there if my son needs me.
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    I try to work out before my kids get up. The 21 month old likes to sit on me, and the 4.5 year old tells me I'm doing it wrong. lol
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    I found a DVD at WalMart about 3 years ago....something to the tune of 'Mommy and Toddle workout' Less than $10, and lots of creative things on there!! LOL my daughter (almost 6) still INSISTS I lay on my back and prop her on my shins to do an 'airplane' I can't really swish her around much anymore or I would drop her heavy butt....lol its so winding I can barely make the 'shhhhhhhh' sounds of my fake airplane anymore but it's sooo fun and a great vido!
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    what if you put him in the crib or play pen while doing a video? 30 ay shred for example is less than 30 mins and pretty intense.

    I have a 4 yr old so she's not totally attached and knows to give me space when I ask- but I work out after she goes to bed usually. And her bedtime is set 7 days a week- i need some me time too!
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    OMG do I know how you feel. I have a 3yr old and a 6 month old at home with me all the time. The thing to remember is: play is exercise. Have him do what you do and then tell him to do something and you mimic it. Play tickle sit ups where he sits on your feet and everytime you come up you tickle him. If you do toe touches hold him in front and use him as a weight. You can wear him out and get a workout.. Beyond that I would say wait for nap time to do anything that requires a dvd, exercise machine, or heavy cardio.
  • momjulia101
    momjulia101 Posts: 17 Member
    I totally know what you mean! I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old. The only time I can really exercise is when my husband watches them.
  • jeanninecurran
    jeanninecurran Posts: 63 Member
    when my kids were little I joined a gym that had free babysitting. It was great and the kids loved going there. I know gyms are very expensive these days so if you can't find one with babysitting or they're too out of your price range, then continue doing what you are. Walking with the stroller is great exercise and you both get fresh air. In rain you can go mall walking. Remember, they do grow up fast. Mine are now 29,26 and 21