Too much protein?

hungrygal Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
My calories are undercontrol but I keep going over on my protein. Is this a problem?


  • I've been having this same problem. I googled it and read several things about it, most of it was conflicting info though. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Maybe someone will have some info about this and help us both out!
  • lukasmac
    lukasmac Posts: 216 Member
    that can be rectified by additional strength training, i.e. bicep curls, etc. turn that extra protein into muscle tone, but this may mess with your weight loss numbers becos you'll be adding muscle along side losing weight.
  • HI:

    body for life

    general rule is 1 gr of protein to 1 kg of body weight.
    A higher protein value is OK

    value can go as high as 1.5 gr/kg.

    Typically the carbs are the problem for most of they get stored and result is fat.
    Proteins will curb appetite, maintain muscle mass , and help body repair.
    How much too high are you?
    Also, I noticed that some foods on the database are not correct so check the value on a food which has a very high protein.
    (use USDA Nutrient chart)

    If your values on one nutrient are high or low then adjust your diet(or supplement)
    to maintain a balance.Look on the fit pal program to see where.
  • Great to know about the fat values not necessarily being correct...I'll be sure to check those more carefully!
  • I was told that going over a little in your protein is okay... but if you are way over all the time, this is what can happen. Your body will take what it needs in protein, but the rest will turn into keytones, causing your kidneys to work overtime. This can cause dehydration. If you know you're eating a lot of protein, drink a lot of water. If you allow this cycle to go on for a long period of time without drinking water, it could cause problems for you later.

    I'm not a doctor, and I haven't done extensive research on this topic... but this is what I have been told. Can't hurt to drink more water anyway.
  • True...I'm not much over but will make sure I'm getting the water in!
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