*waves* hi!

hi! i'm new here.

i have PCOS and metabolic syndrome. virtually everyone in my family has type ii diabetes and its complications - heart disease, neuropathy, arterial disease. it's pretty terrifying to me, and at 42, i probably can't continue to avoid thinking about it.

i'm pretty active but my %body fat is at the higher end of the normal range. given my risk factors (native americans are more than 2xs as likely to develop diabetes as those of caucasian descent), my dr is recommending based on the findings of several studies that i drop my % body fat into the athletic range, something like 18% to 20%. it was her idea for me to join this site.

i'm going to give this my best effort, but i'm going to have to shuffle my schedule to make from for more exercise. i hate counting calories, but i'm going to have to do that too. i'm a grad student and making the time to cook and work out more is going to be challenging. i feel like this has the potential to be mentally and emotionally difficult for me. i can be too hard on myself. i can get obsessive sometime. type-a is my middle name. and i'm bad at putting my needs first.

anyway, glad to be here. everyone seems really nice :-)


  • lostropav
    Hi there!
    I started running to loose weight during my grad school years. It is definitely not easy, but I had a rule that I would go running as soon as I got back. If I ever sat on that couch I knew I'd stay there for a long time and do nothing active. And starting slow is ok. I could not run 5 min straight when I started.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like :)
  • ncwall
    ncwall Posts: 64 Member
    hey there, welcome to the site it gets easier counting after you make it part of the routine, also 1 hour of your day is only 4% of it if that helps some. Happy to help if i can feel free to add

  • joyLambert
    hello nice to meet you :) & good luck ! i am in a similar boat in many ways(as seen in the other thread *waves back* .
  • metapixie
    metapixie Posts: 6 Member
    YAY! we have a boat!! :-)