Introducing Wanting2LoseIt4Me

Hi, I am 45 years old, and a diabetic who is trying to take back control of her health. Yes, I knew that there was a good chance at some point in my life that I would be a diabetic, as it runs in my family. Though, I feel that I could have prevented it, or held it off until I was much older. However, due to my unhealthy eating habits, and my lack of regular exercise, I find myself where I am today. 100 lbs over weight, and suffering from the side effects of diabetes. I think for the first while when my doctor stated you are "pre-diabetic", I approached that with denial, and didn't do anything too drastic to make changes then, to prevent myself from becoming dependent on medication to control my diabetes. Then once again when things started progressing and my medication was adjusted once again, I still looked at it with denial. This summer I started having more health issues, high blood pressure readings, and high cholestrol. Doctor had me monitor my blood pressure several times a day over a period of time. Fortunately, he feels that I do not require high blood pressure medication, however, my cholestrol readings have now come to a point where medication is needed. On the medication for the month of August and will see how my readings change at the end of this month.

So, this is why I'm here to start taking my health seriously, and make the changes I need to improve it. Joined WW a month ago as another form of support and have been going to their weekly meetings. So far, down 4+ lbs. It's going to be a slow process and I have to accept it. It took me years to add the 100 + lbs, so it's going to take a while to lose it. Have to stay focused and look at every 5 lbs as encouragement for the next, and then the next.

I look forward to the support I will receive on this site, and the wealth of information, I will be able to find on here. Knowing that I'm not the only one going through this battle, helps as well.

Hears to a healthier, happier me. :smile:


  • N0703989
    N0703989 Posts: 97 Member
    Congratulations 4lbs down.... and now counting. MFP is an amazing community, you only have to read the success stories to see that people do lose considerable amounts of weight. Every day someone hits their target. Some do it in a matter of months others take years. Their photo are incredible! And, one day I plan to be one of those success stories. I too have over 100lbs to lose, it's coming off slower than I would like but it is coming off. I look it as 1lb down not 1lb up so I'm actually two pounds lighter than I could have been.

    Good luck to being a lighter, fitter, healthier you.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • auntygill
    auntygill Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome ,
    It is always better late than never , i am sure you will love this site , i have done so well on here and i find it has been the best way i have ever lost weight .
    You can add me as a friend , support together is the way forward.
