Not losing...I need help

First time posting, I am desperate. I started doing Insanity 2 weeks ago when the scale stopped moving. I am 5' 7'' and I weigh 170 pounds. I was eating 1200 calories and exercising about 5 days a week with no luck and once I started Insanity I upped to right under 1600 and I am eating back my exercise calories. I do not understand why the scale is not all. I need help.


  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Maybe try taking a look at what you are eating. Are they healthy foods?

    Everyone can slam me again and start back up with those nasty messages but I think it's really important to eat the right foods more than worry about calories.
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    i just posted a similar topic. i'm on my third week of insanity and i'm not losing either! i'm not losing lbs or inches.. wish i had advice!
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    Maybe try taking a look at what you are eating. Are they healthy foods?

    Everyone can slam me again and start back up with those nasty messages but I think it's really important to eat the right foods more than worry about calories.

    I eat ice cream by the pint and still lose weight. U mad?
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    You might need to raise your calories.
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    Same thing has happened to me since i started RI30. I've been bouncing around the same 3 pounds! Its very frustrating! What i think it may be is the fact that these type of exercises are building muscle and when you work them hard you retain water from them recovering. When i take my 2 day rest from exercising because i exercise 5 days a week i lose the 3 pounds again, then as soon as i start working out i go back up. Im hoping when im done with the program ill start dropping them and they stay gone! Good luck!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Forget the scale- are you loosing inches?
  • lilycameron1
    lilycameron1 Posts: 1 Member
    You might be eating too little. I'm 5' 3" and my daily intake goal is 1200 if I want to lose weight. If you eat too little it can send your body warning signals that it needs to store fat to maintain your weight. Like when you get sick and you can't eat, your body has triggers to help you maintain through that. I would take another look at your suggested calorie intake for losing weight and see if that starts to make a difference for you. Hope this helps!
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    You probably need to eat more personally I think 1200 a day is too low remember this is a lifestyle change and can you really eat 1200 calories a day for the rest of your life?? Think about it.

    Sorry didnt see you were eating 1600 a day ooopppssss ....
  • mts3779
    mts3779 Posts: 28 Member
    When your body takes a break from losing the pounds, you have to tweek your food intake. It just means your body is used to what you were eating at 1,200. Drink a lot of water to kick start your kidney's. Eat snacks inbetween meals like cheese sticks. Balance out your foods. Stay away from all sweets. That has been the hardest thing for me. I have been able to stay away bit man do I want just one slice of something. Also look at what you are eating....It is high in cards?

    You also do not want to put your body into starvation mode. Carry around cheese sticks, low fat yogarts, Cheese and crackers. Stay away from penut butter,.

    You can do this!!!!! You just have hit a bump in the road. Keep trying.

  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    I’m at the end of my recovery week for Insanity, but in the first month I lost more inches than scale weight. 13.5 inches total, but only 5 pounds. The weight didn’t move from the scale until week four. I would suggest to make sure you’re eating enough, and at 1600 calories that sounds about right. I don’t eat exercise calories back and there are a lot of people here that would be beat me up for telling you not to, but in MY OPINION, I don’t think it’s necessary. Also, be sure that your carbs, sodium, sugar remain lower and protein high & stay hydrated.

    Be sure to take your measurements along with progress photos throughout the program as those are sometimes the only way to gage what you’ve actually done. A program that is this intense may not cause you to see scale weight drop right away as the body retains water for muscle repair. Don’t get discouraged, just keep pushing forward!
  • dawten
    dawten Posts: 61 Member
    Same thing has happened to me since i started RI30. I've been bouncing around the same 3 pounds! Its very frustrating! What i think it may be is the fact that these type of exercises are building muscle and when you work them hard you retain water from them recovering. When i take my 2 day rest from exercising because i exercise 5 days a week i lose the 3 pounds again, then as soon as i start working out i go back up. Im hoping when im done with the program ill start dropping them and they stay gone! Good luck!
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    1600 is still way to low especially when you're doing Insanity. You need to find out what your TDEE is and eat that for a week or so to get yourself "reset". After that, you can do TDEE less 20% and you should be back on track. This link is all you need to know.
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    Maybe try taking a look at what you are eating. Are they healthy foods?

    Everyone can slam me again and start back up with those nasty messages but I think it's really important to eat the right foods more than worry about calories.

    Calories in. Calories out. Body doesn't care.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Maybe try taking a look at what you are eating. Are they healthy foods?

    Everyone can slam me again and start back up with those nasty messages but I think it's really important to eat the right foods more than worry about calories.

    I know many people advocate eating clean, but study after study has verified that you will have success at a caloric deficit even if it's not 'healthy'

    You may not get all the nutrition you need, and you may not achieve your macros, but for pure weight loss purposes, calories in/calories out is what is needed :)
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    1600 is still way to low especially when you're doing Insanity. You need to find out what your TDEE is and eat that for a week or so to get yourself "reset". After that, you can do TDEE less 20% and you should be back on track. This link is all you need to know.

    This..somewhat. based on your age, height and weight your TDEE is about 1880. Eating %20 less is actually under 1600, so you are eating enough. However, remember to focus on eating clean, less processe foods. High sodium and sugar will cause you to retain water weight. Carbs are good for you, but you may want to consider limiting them. Not totally cut out, but cut back. I haven't looked at your diary, so not sure specifically.

    Doing Insanity myself and I weight 194. Your 24 pounds less lighter than me & I eat mostly around 1500-1600 caloires a day. However, I do go as high as 1800 calories, but no more than two days a week.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Maybe try taking a look at what you are eating. Are they healthy foods?

    Everyone can slam me again and start back up with those nasty messages but I think it's really important to eat the right foods more than worry about calories.

    This ^

    Yup, people slam me too. The reality is, for some of us, it's not just calories in and calories out. I have to eliminate certain foods and it's not like I'm "suffering" when I do that; unless one considers no food cravings, no binging, great health, and weight loss as "suffering".

    OP: my diary is open to everyone; take a look if you like. It's not perfect (in regards to my coffee and cream) but it's working very well.

    Question: why do people ask for help from the forum when they keep their diary private? It's a recurring thing!
  • ChampsMom1205
    ChampsMom1205 Posts: 15 Member
    Sometimes you won't see the changes on the scale until maybe a month into it, as your body adjust you'll see and feel a difference. But besides seeing your results on the scale, how do you feel. I'm learning that it more on my well being and not the numbers that define this journey. When you feel good everything else will fall into place. I hope this helps.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    Forget the scale- are you loosing inches?

    Exactly! Forget the scale. When you start working out harder, the scale is a very poor indicator of FAT loss. Measure.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Any time I stall I look at my alcohol and sodium intake - it doesn't seem to matter how much exercise I'm doing or how much I'm eating if those things are too high.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Maybe try taking a look at what you are eating. Are they healthy foods?

    Everyone can slam me again and start back up with those nasty messages but I think it's really important to eat the right foods more than worry about calories.

    Calories in. Calories out. Body doesn't care.

    I beg to differ.