Curvy Girl Needs Friends To Yell At Her



  • im here shoot me a message
  • dusty_712001
    dusty_712001 Posts: 172 Member
    Most of the weight I put on was related to depression. Depression > Eating > Gaining > Deeper depression > Eating.....It can turn into quite the vicious cirlce.

    I would be glad to send you a friend request.
  • g4genn
    g4genn Posts: 58 Member
    For jeans, go Old navy. They have short versions (I'm 5:2) and have a stretchy fabric that hugs your curves in wonderful ways. And they are affordable

    feel free to add me too. Amazing on the weight loss, kind of freaky. 30 lbs in 60 days. WOW!!!
  • adorability
    adorability Posts: 49 Member
    sluski- I have thyroid problems too, I take meds for it, it really sucks because it's harder for people with thyroid problems to lose weight. I'm here if you need any encouragement!

    casshole- Will do! Thanks for responding!

    RedTango- Yeah, I was a bit of an emotional eater. :/ It sucks how you gain so quickly, but it seems harder to lose. Added you :)

    KalikaRae- I'll try to remember to :) I know what you mean about the baggy clothes. Congrats on your 2nd child, by the way!

    Thanks to the rest of you, too! Send me a message anytime :)
  • manda697
    manda697 Posts: 10 Member
    That is so awesome you have already lost 30 lbs! Keep that up! I can try to help keep you on track. I'm a volleyball coach so I am used to yelling, but I may need some yelling motivation right back at me. :) I am trying to lose 40 lbs and I know that is not going to be easy. Add me if ya like!
  • Hey I do understand, I'm losing my weight now because I was tired of being fat and late for church. Now I have my meal replacement weight loss Vi shake in the mornings, I eat a huge salad for lunch and dinner is whatever I feel like having but I normally finish the day with a Vi weight loss shake.. But let me tell you once you detox or get the bad food out system you dont really have a taste for chip and dip etc. I now make better food choice. Plus when I come off my weight loss Vi shakes, I will need to maintain portion control and calories intake. You're going to be okayyyyyyyy!!!!
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Hey, I gained weight from depression and meds too. It sucks *kitten*! Taken myself off the meds and working on getting myself back on track. It's slow going at the moment but hopefully it'll get better. I'm not so much into yelling but if your diary looks bad I'll ask you why. Will that help? Feel free to add me. Anyone. :-)
  • adorability
    adorability Posts: 49 Member
    g4genn- I'm 5'7" so I don't know if that would work out- I have a long torso and pudgy hips and I live in a small town, I think the nearest Old Navy is an hour away xD But I'll check it out the next time I'm on a shopping trip- thanks for the suggestion, love! :)

    manda67- I'm still shocked myself that I've lost so much already! I didn't weigh myself for about a month because I was so scared I was doing a ton of hard work for nothing haha. I'll add you! Volleyball is awesome, and 40 pounds is a lot but I'm reaching for 80 so it looks like we'll both need to kick each other's butts haha

    jawef232- Oh, yes, I thought I'd be killing for sweets so much but after a few weeks I didn't get that crazy craving that I used to. I find that fruits are just as succulent as a candy bar- and much healthier, too!
  • Sharlene113
    Sharlene113 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm curvy and I'll yell at you, in a motivational-kick your butt when you need it kind of way! Feel free to add me! You've done fabulous on your own but MFP really works if you use it! :tongue:
  • hi will not yell at you but will try to keep you motivated, keep up the good work your on the right track, but if you insist on me yelling i can i have three daughters of my own whom are doing this with me we yell at each other. : )
  • adorability
    adorability Posts: 49 Member
    justgemmy- I'll add you! I've found that I'm much happier when I exercise :) It was really slow for me at the start I was so discouraged but I kept treading on. Results will show up, eventually- you just have to keep at it!

    Sharlene- Curvy women unite! I'll add you- I lost most of my weight when I was sent to my aunt and uncle's in North Carolina for what they called "boot camp" I'm back in Wisconsin and I no longer have my uncle telling me what I can and cannot eat or my aunt making sure I exercise every day. It's all up to me, which is kind of scary, but I'm keeping on track- so glad I found this site!
  • Hello and congrats. I too can be lazy. I am the mother of 5 and worked 2 full time jobs and just finished my master's degree - when school ended in May, I didn't know what to do with myself. I'd been in school for the past 7 years which kept me occupied - from May til now, I sat around playing zombie bowling on yahoo. This made me more lazy and more tired, I couldn't muster the energy to do laundry, much less anything else.

    Last week, my fellow co-workers went to the state fair and we took the funny pics all day. One of me was posted on facebook and I almost died. I looked like I was 6mths pregnant. That was my rock bottom. Monday I started, eating healthy and working out. I also printed tons of motivational sayings and pictures off the net that really push me to keep going. I know I'm only 4 days in, but I really want to get healthy. I want to pull anything out of my closet and put it on and look good. My birthday is in October (about 55days) and I want to fit into the same sexy dress I wore last year.

    Let's help each other out. Kick each other's butt to keep going each day - even when we don't want to. This website is really helpful, especially at the end of the day when it says "if you do this every day, you will weight...." that's motivates me.

    Hope this helps - keep in touch - Maggie:smile:

    PS - I'm in Wisconsin too.
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    Here to offer support. Feel free to add me.
  • aimeem2
    aimeem2 Posts: 35
    Congrats on your weight loss so far, that's impressive! I'm fighting to get down to 125 (SW: 190). Add me! I'm on here daily. I'll support and push you if you can do the same for me :)

  • Get off the chat board and get that me yelling?
    Keep up the good work...when your old clothes start to get to big and you
    start fitting in the cuter clothes.....that will motivate you even more.
    We can do this........
  • tship74
    tship74 Posts: 48
    Drop you drop! Lol good luck on your journey now drop and give me 20
  • skulcherry
    skulcherry Posts: 25 Member
    I know where you are coming from with the weight and finding clothes. I am 38 but don't like to dress it. I have tattoos piercings and color my hair bright fun colors. Right now it is blue pink and platinum blonde. I live in Arizona and have found that Torrid has some really cool clothes (a little pricey look for sales).
  • Katestars
    Katestars Posts: 8 Member
    I agree. Why is it that plus sizes have no style? That's part of the reason that I am working so hard to lose weight. Good luck with your weight loss.
  • I can be mean grrrrrrr. LOL I'm like totally in awe that you lost 30 pounds in 8 weeks!?!?! WOW. You should be proud of yourself and the way you look now compared to 30 pounds ago would be enough to motivate anyone. I was the most successful when I counted calories. The pounds came off slow, but it took a long, long time to put them back on.

    I'm concerned because you gained so much weight in only a year. Did your diet change so drastically that it warrants the weight that you put on? 4 pounds a week is a lot. As long as you are eating healthy and not going below 1000 calories a day it should be OK. You must be working out ALOT.

    I have a problem with depression and found that excercising and eating right helps to alleviate alot of that.

    Have you thought about going to the doctor and having your thyroid checked? I would let him/her know your history.

    tship74 is not mean enough....I'm drop and give me 50! :)
  • adorability
    adorability Posts: 49 Member
    I can be mean grrrrrrr. LOL I'm like totally in awe that you lost 30 pounds in 8 weeks!?!?! WOW. You should be proud of yourself and the way you look now compared to 30 pounds ago would be enough to motivate anyone. I was the most successful when I counted calories. The pounds came off slow, but it took a long, long time to put them back on.

    I'm concerned because you gained so much weight in only a year. Did your diet change so drastically that it warrants the weight that you put on? 4 pounds a week is a lot. As long as you are eating healthy and not going below 1000 calories a day it should be OK. You must be working out ALOT.

    I have a problem with depression and found that excercising and eating right helps to alleviate alot of that.

    Have you thought about going to the doctor and having your thyroid checked? I would let him/her know your history.

    tship74 is not mean enough....I'm drop and give me 50! :)

    I actually do have a low thyroid problem- I take medication for it and get my blood checked regularly. Also, I ate out A LOT and never exercised.