will cutting gluten help my migraines?



  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    If you have an intolerance, then yes.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    It could be gluten, it could be dairy or some other intolerance as well.

    Migraines and food intolerances run on the my mother's side of the family. Everyone in my mother's family suffers from bad migraines all the time. A couple of years ago my Aunt decided to cut dairy completely out of her diet. Since then, she hasn't had a single migraine! Give that a shot as well.

    Or, for a faster solution, go see a naturopath or homeopath and get a food sensitivity blood test done. I just had one done yesterday. The results should be in, in 2-3 weeks. If you have group benefits from work, or health insurance, it should be covered.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    You can get rid of your migraines with a nutritarian diet. Check the link for more info.


    How much did you get paid for that plug?

    I doubt he got paid anything. All you have to do is watch PBS, Dr. Furhman is on there almost every week.
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    I have suffered from migraines since I was 12. I will be 44 on 9/11/2012. I have only had them intermittently in the past 2 years now, and that is due to the fact that my neurologist and my family doctor put their heads together and decided that I should take TOPIRIMATE 50mg. I could not believe the fast turn around. I used to have a headache daily, a migraine 4-6 days a week. I was to the point where I was taking vicodin 750mg and double dosing it and it was not making a dent in them. I had built up a tolerance to the medicine and it would not work, and I was probably becoming addicted at my level as well as the damage it was doing to my organs long term. It was horrible.

    Anyone that has had migraines even once knows the pain is intolerable. I have been enjoying my life lately, and taking this medication twice a day. It has other perks too, it is reported to help you lose weight. When I first started taking it I lost 20 pounds (in @ 2 months) without making any changes in my lifestyle whatsoever. It has truly been a godsend.

    This has worked for me, it is an anti-depressant/anti seizure medicine; so it also has other uses, but it was prescribed to me for the benefits that I would receive from it opening up my blood vessels in my head (to put it in laymens terms).

    I hope that this helps any of you at least a little bit; it has helped me soooo much!

    Good luck to you all!

    A 30+ year survivor...
  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    This was very informative! I also get migraines all the time. Sometimes I have a headache 24/7 as well. I'm so used to it that I don't even realize it sometimes unless my partner asks me if I have one. Which is almost everyday. I do know that when I cut out carbs almost completely my migraines DO go down, but they don't go away totally. I've been trying to re-introduce SOME carbs into my eating as I'm nearing the end of my weightloss. I found the magnesium VERY interesting and will do some research on that. Thank you ALL for all of the info. I really thought I was a freak because I would get migraines/headaches ALLL the time. Now I don't feel so alone.
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member

    Do you have a gluten allergy or sensitivity? If you don't, I wouldn't expect it to make any change for you. I went gluten free for a year hoping it would help my digestive issues - no change. Try if you want to, but it is not easy, or cheap. So I would think that one through.

    Mentally, going gluten free is difficult.... but MANY foods are naturally gluten free. I have celiac disease, and I had migraines, tremors, ataxia, and a plethora of intestinal issues before I was diagnosed. Going gluten free has changed my life. It is actually easy to eat gluten free. Fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken, beef, fish, turkey.... these are all gluten free. When you eat naturally gluten free, it is no more expensive than regular groceries.

    It is when you get into the processed gluten free substitute junk that is when it gets expensive. And those are all empty calories so you don't want them anyways.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Do you have a gluten allergy or sensitivity? If you don't, I wouldn't expect it to make any change for you. I went gluten free for a year hoping it would help my digestive issues - no change. Try if you want to, but it is not easy, or cheap. So I would think that one through.

    Mentally, going gluten free is difficult.... but MANY foods are naturally gluten free. I have celiac disease, and I had migraines, tremors, ataxia, and a plethora of intestinal issues before I was diagnosed. Going gluten free has changed my life. It is actually easy to eat gluten free. Fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken, beef, fish, turkey.... these are all gluten free. When you eat naturally gluten free, it is no more expensive than regular groceries.

    It is when you get into the processed gluten free substitute junk that is when it gets expensive. And those are all empty calories so you don't want them anyways.
    ^^THIS^^ skip the processed substitute junk.
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    I have a headache almost every day. I read that this may be because of the lack of magnesium in my body.
    I don't know anything about the gluten free diet.
    I get so desperate, that I carry my migraine meds with me at all times.

    I suffer from migraines and cluster headaches. The clusters are worse, they are nicknamed the suicide headache. My last round lasted 3 months. No meds have ever helped either one. I tried magnesium and had good results. I did a lot of research first. It worked for me. It works for a lot of people. Some people have no results with it. Like anything else, you just have to try it.

    I would not suggest taking a large amount to begin with, unless you will close to a bathroom at all times. I only take 250 mg a day now and it seems to be keeping them away. When I first started the intensity went down a bit and after about 2 weeks they stopped. Some people get injections.

    Try it and see, it might help. I also had to go gluten free and it did not affect my headaches at all.

    It's one of those things where finding the trigger can be difficult. I was very reluctant about the magnesium but was desperate. My cluster headaches wake me up and night and come in three's. They are worse than migraines, mine only last 45 minutes to an hour but I have to stand up the entire time. But when you have three a night and go without sleep so long you are willing to do anything.

    I was also getting the cluster migraines before I started taking the TOPIRIMATE. Maybe you should suggest this and try it? I forgot to mention the clusters. They suck the worst! Mine would last for days on end, just as I'd get comfortable enough to be able to deal with the pain I'd have to move for some reason and it would throb all over again. UNBEARABLE. I would not wish any of these pains on my worst enemy. My best to you! Good luck with yours.
  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    I can't speak for gluten, but aspartame will trigger a blinding migraine for me. Giving up diet sodas helped a great deal with that.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    It's worth a try, if It doesn't help google the elimination diet. Basically you eliminate all common allergen foods and then add them back in one at a time to see how they affect you. I did this and found out dairy was causing my migraines. Now I'm migraine, allergy, and asthma free! Amazing what one little sensitivity can do to your whole body.
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    This was very informative! I also get migraines all the time. Sometimes I have a headache 24/7 as well. I'm so used to it that I don't even realize it sometimes unless my partner asks me if I have one. Which is almost everyday. I do know that when I cut out carbs almost completely my migraines DO go down, but they don't go away totally. I've been trying to re-introduce SOME carbs into my eating as I'm nearing the end of my weightloss. I found the magnesium VERY interesting and will do some research on that. Thank you ALL for all of the info. I really thought I was a freak because I would get migraines/headaches ALLL the time. Now I don't feel so alone.

    Don't feel alone. It runs in my family. I find some foods agrivate it. Oddly some of those same foods help it, like caffiene and dark chocolate. But only in moderation.
  • Evarell
    Evarell Posts: 143 Member
    It sure is difficult to figure out what is causing migraines; for me, it seems to be a combination of things. I never tried cutting out gluten-- it seemed overwhelming (I have a family member who did it).

    The one thing I have been able to pin down as a cause is birth control pills. I went without for 3 months, no headaches (I was getting them like 4 - 6 times a month.) I tried switching to a low- hormone version, but still got them. :(

    Obviously I don't know if you are on the pill, but if you are it *may* be easier to try going off those than it would be to cut out the gluten. If you find that it doesn't help, you can always go back on and try the diet alteration project.

    Good luck!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    thanks for all the info guys!!

    i have tried mangesium and it didnt really work for me. as i already suffer with ibs as well which is usually linked to dairy i must admit i thought i might try the gluten for my headaches!! i shall try for a while and keep you posted!!

    thanks again to everyone - mfp people are brilliant at advice!!

  • Springfield_Rocks
    thanks for all the info guys!!

    i have tried mangesium and it didnt really work for me. as i already suffer with ibs as well which is usually linked to dairy i must admit i thought i might try the gluten for my headaches!! i shall try for a while and keep you posted!!

    thanks again to everyone - mfp people are brilliant at advice!!


    hmmm, ibs eh? perhaps the gluten free route is the way to go. keep us posted I am interested in seeing if it helps. hang in there!
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I have a headache almost every day. I read that this may be because of the lack of magnesium in my body.
    I don't know anything about the gluten free diet.
    I get so desperate, that I carry my migraine meds with me at all times.

    I suffer from migraines and cluster headaches. The clusters are worse, they are nicknamed the suicide headache. My last round lasted 3 months. No meds have ever helped either one. I tried magnesium and had good results. I did a lot of research first. It worked for me. It works for a lot of people. Some people have no results with it. Like anything else, you just have to try it.

    I would not suggest taking a large amount to begin with, unless you will close to a bathroom at all times. I only take 250 mg a day now and it seems to be keeping them away. When I first started the intensity went down a bit and after about 2 weeks they stopped. Some people get injections.

    Try it and see, it might help. I also had to go gluten free and it did not affect my headaches at all.

    It's one of those things where finding the trigger can be difficult. I was very reluctant about the magnesium but was desperate. My cluster headaches wake me up and night and come in three's. They are worse than migraines, mine only last 45 minutes to an hour but I have to stand up the entire time. But when you have three a night and go without sleep so long you are willing to do anything.

    I was also getting the cluster migraines before I started taking the TOPIRIMATE. Maybe you should suggest this and try it? I forgot to mention the clusters. They suck the worst! Mine would last for days on end, just as I'd get comfortable enough to be able to deal with the pain I'd have to move for some reason and it would throb all over again. UNBEARABLE. I would not wish any of these pains on my worst enemy. My best to you! Good luck with yours.

    I have been on that and several other drugs. They did not help. I said no meds have ever helped. That is the reason I looked for other ways. Migraines can come in clusters, although usually don't. Cluster headaches are not migraine headaches. Clusters will come at the exact same time anywhere from a few days to a few months. You could set an alarm by it. Being still and in a cool environment do not help. The most common issues reported are having to stand up and pace, or keep your head moving a little. Some people get to the point where they start banging their heads into walls. A small percentage have to live in assisted living homes. There is a reason they are called suicide headaches. Migraine pain is horrible and can last for days. Clusters do not respond to pain meds. I was even put on heavy sedatives at one point in the hopes they wouldn't wake me up. Didn't work.

    From my own research and talking to doctors I learned that for some unknown reason most sufferers have a magnesium deficiency in their brains. I decided to give it a try. It worked for me. I did learn quickly though to start with a small dose. I take drugs when I have to, am not against it. I prefer to fix what I can with food or supplements and save the drugs for something they can actually help with.
  • tconklin
    tconklin Posts: 14
    I was having awful acid reflux, gi issues, occasional headaches and migraines so I switched to gluten free. No change. I recently switched to grain free (or avoiding pasta, bread, rice, corn and processed foods) and all my symptoms have gone away. Now, if gluten isn't your source of issue then it won't help bring relief. All you can do is try it and see what happens. I switched to gluten free first for 2 weeks (no change) and I'm on day 10 of grain free and feel fantastic.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    i have tried mangesium and it didnt really work for me. as i already suffer with ibs as well which is usually linked to dairy i must admit i thought i might try the gluten for my headaches!! i shall try for a while and keep you posted!!

    This might sound strange, but there is a theory that digestive problems/IBS are a kind of migraine, because of how the gut and the brain are linked. The gut is seen as a second brain. And digestive problems often go hand in hand with migraines or other neurological disorders. I've read quite a bit about this because I'm on the autism spectrum (I have Asperger Syndrome) and there has been quite a bit of research on how the gut-brain link relates to autism. I don't get migraines (unless you count my digestive problems as a gut migraine) but when I describe to people what sensory hypersensitvity is like, they say it sounds like a migraine. Except I have it all the time, so I have learnt ways to manage it.

    But - and here is a possible link - a lot of people say a gluten-free diet is very helpful for autism. Many autistic children are put on a gluten free casein free diet and it apparently helps them tremendously, with both their processing and their digestion. So a gluten free diet can potentially help with neurological/processing difficulties. Although, personally, I tried it and it didn't help me. Well, I find it helpful to eat natural unprocessed foods - fruit, veg, rice, meat, etc (most of which are naturally gluten free anyway), but processed gluten-free food (even gluten free muesli) gave me the same problems as regular processed food.

    What I have done for myself is experiment with different foods to see what makes me feel better and what makes me feel worse. Apparently the best base to start with is lamb, rice and pears. Those are the foods least likely to cause problems. So I started there and added other stuff to my diet to see what was okay and what wasn't. I pretty much know now what I should and shouldn't eat, although I don't always stick to it!

    Good luck with going gluten free. I hope you find a diet that helps your migraines.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I can't see a reason why you shouldn't experiment by eating gluten-free for a few weeks. At least then you'll know, right? One variable at a time.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I don't know because I've never tried keeping gluten out of my diet. One thing that does make me have daily migraines though is taking Tylenol for them. Any kind of pain meds can cause rebound headaches that are hard to get rid of.

    Have you seen a neurologist for them? Mine was very helpful and Verapamil, actually used for high blood pressure mainly, pretty much got rid of them completely, after 30 years of suffering.

    Good luck, I pray you get relief!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Yeah, you gotta figure out your trigger. Mine is weather. I've cut out gluten before doing low carb, but it didn't seem to have an effect on the migraines. I can cut out all grains all day and if it storms I'm hurting. I think it's worth cutting out gluten for a week or 2 just to see if it makes any difference. Good luck! :flowerforyou: