vitamin shoppe help

icemancast Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I just downloaded the app and doing good with my calories so far. Most of my work and time is spent sitting down on a computer with the exception of 2 hours a week of kung fu. I am not sure what I should get to help during workout time to give me energy but also help me lose fat. I weigh about 210 and goal weight is 185 (for now). I went to GNC and they said a whey protien would help and someone else told me whey would actually gain weight. I don't want to gain weight I want to lose fat and wondering if I should just do a dietary supplement. Any advise on what I should be taking is appreciated.


  • hey iceman,
    I know it's not the answer you want, but the best bet is to stick to a basic diet (food groups, etc) and monitor your calorie intake. I used all kinds of energy bars and supplements whilebicycle training over the summer and I ended up gaining weight. The training foods are loaded with calories, which is good if you are endurance training for hours each day. However, if you're not riding with Lance and only spend an hour or so at the gym, I would steer clear.

    Good luck in your goals.
  • wow thanks man. saves me $.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    If you have room in your calories for whatever protein shake or power bar then you're not going to gain weight. It's very true that these are often calorie heavy so it's best to find the right fit for what your end outcome is. I have a syntha 6 shake every morning for breakfast. I'm doing fine because I make sure that I allot for those 200 calories.
  • I guess that makes sense. I guess I was wanting something that could supplement and give energy at the same time. especially on my kung fu days. found out here that kung fu burns about 995 calories... woohoo!!!

    Doing good on my calorie intake but again it is only my third day. as long as i stay away from tortillas or don't make any i should be good :)
  • jdorais
    jdorais Posts: 27 Member
    Try black coffee about an hour before you go to the dojo. Only 2 calories per cup, and if coffee was discovered today with all it's antioxidants it would be considered a health food. ;-)
  • I had bought the whey later relized I was adding cholesterol to my diet when I have been taking things out of my diet to lower my cholesterol. Try taking a B comlpex vitamins for energy. What you dont use you will get ride of naturally.
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