I have read here and there that cutting down on sugar can be really really hard. One blog I read likened it to being a physical addiction and your body learns to "need" it. I think I'm at that point. :-(

Any tips for my "sugar detox"?? Any foods that taste sweet but aren't loaded with sugar? Or is that the undiscovered holy grail?



  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Fruits are a good sweet treat. They do have sugar, but it is natural, unrefined sugar. I have cut processed food and foods with added sugar from my diet almost completely. i do think it is like an addiction, because while it was a little difficult initially, I don't even want that stuff anymore
  • Nell720
    Nell720 Posts: 7 Member
    I am having the same problem. I think I have gained most of my extra weight from all of the sugar I am consuming. I know I am having a hard time trying to cut back and some days are better than others. I think the key to success is to find a healthy alternative on hand at all times. Until then don't beat yourself up until you have found it. I took to eating a scoop of lite whipped cream. I know but I needed it. Lol.:smile:
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    read lables! It is amazing how much hidden sugar there is in pre-packaged foods. Try to eat foods that DON'T have an ingredient list =)
    Things like natural sweeteners (agava, honey, fruit nectar) are all considered sugar. So if youo are trying to monitor sugar intake learn what manufacturers call sugar. Just my two bits =)
  • browndogjen
    read lables! It is amazing how much hidden sugar there is in pre-packaged foods. Try to eat foods that DON'T have an ingredient list =)
    Things like natural sweeteners (agava, honey, fruit nectar) are all considered sugar. So if youo are trying to monitor sugar intake learn what manufacturers call sugar. Just my two bits =)

    Thank you for your two bits! :-) And thanks everyone else, your answers were all helpful.