Three Favourite Books



  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    1. The bonesetter's daughter
    2. Memoirs of a geisha
    3. A thousand splendid suns
  • missmayeb
    missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
    Maybe I am weird but I haven't re-read a book yet. I only started reading avidly when I was 23 so I am trying to get through quite a bit.

    My favorite hands down is Brandon Sanderson - Mistborn Series, then these in no particular order The Watchers by Dean Koontz, ALL of the Harry Potter books, The Signs of the Zodiac series by Vicki Pettersson and Stephanie Meyer's The Host. (I liked the Twilight series but HATE the movies).
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    My top faves/must re-read every year or so:

    1. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
    2. The Stand by Stephen King
    3. Pieces for the Left Hand by J. Robert Lennon.

    The third is a book of quirky super short stories that is just amazing!

    For series, I do also re-read the Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, and most series by my favorite author, Mercedes Lackey (Heralds of Valdemar, Dragon Jousters, Obsidian Trilogy)
  • headoverhills
    Loved, loved, loved The Count of Monte Cristo! Also The Three Musketeers, Bragelonne Vicomte, anything by Dumas, in fact. Read them all in my teenage years, time to re-read them again.:love:
  • saamantha
    Only 3? Uggghh.
    1. The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
    2. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
    3. The Thirteenth Tale - Diane Setterfield

    (... The Birth House by Ami McKay, The History of Love by Nicole Krauss, The Red Tent by Anita Diamant)

    I love books.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    1. Harry potter! (cannot help it, it's my childhood =))
    2. "sputnik sweetheart", "kafka on the shore" and "norvegian wood" from Haruki Murakami (best writer ever! Well... at least if your mind is little twisted) :D
    3. Oh i don't know, there are soooo many great books! "crime and punishment" or "legend of drizzt do'urden"
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    The Great Gatsby
    In Her Shoes
    The Jungle

    My tastes in books is all over the place. I love Goodreads but only have a portion of the books I've read on there (ie the ones I actually still own). And almost every book on my to read is waiting on my kindle or on my book shelf.

    Currently I am reading 11/22/63. Enjoying it immensly. Not sure if it will become a re-read yet. Depends how it develops/ends.
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 552 Member
    Fall of Giants - Ken Follett
    Wonder Boys - Michael Chabon
    Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood
    The Year of the Flood - Margaret Atwood

    I could go on and on, couldn't stop at three.... :)

    I LOVE Fall of Giants - definitely on my list.


    Harry Potter - the series
    The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver
    The Timetravelers Wife - Audrey Niffeneger
    Great Expectations - Charles ****ens
    Watership Down - Richard Adams
  • wilkyway
    wilkyway Posts: 151
    Oh dear this is a hard one...

    1. His Dark Material by P.Pullman
    2. Eat.Pray.Love
    3. Memoires of a Geisha

    I can't really say I have a top three...also love the LOTR trilogy, Watership Down, Skinny *****, Thrive.......
  • esolmom
    esolmom Posts: 17
    Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
    Cod - Marc Kurlansky
    A Brief History of the Senses - Diane Ackermann
  • mirandamayhem
    The Great Gatsby
    In Her Shoes
    The Jungle

    My tastes in books is all over the place. I love Goodreads but only have a portion of the books I've read on there (ie the ones I actually still own). And almost every book on my to read is waiting on my kindle or on my book shelf.

    Currently I am reading 11/22/63. Enjoying it immensly. Not sure if it will become a re-read yet. Depends how it develops/ends.

    I love In Her shoes!
    Actually, you reminded me of a book I LOVE to reread

    "Good in Bed"
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan(a beautiful tale of a woman's mystical journey).
    The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield(mind boggling)
    Songs in Ordinary Time by Mary McGarry Morris(unforgettable)
  • headoverhills
    Maybe I am weird but I haven't re-read a book yet. I only started reading avidly when I was 23 so I am trying to get through quite a bit.

    My favorite hands down is Brandon Sanderson - Mistborn Series, then these in no particular order The Watchers by Dean Koontz, ALL of the Harry Potter books, The Signs of the Zodiac series by Vicki Pettersson and Stephanie Meyer's The Host. (I liked the Twilight series but HATE the movies).

    The Host is one of my favourites too! My daughter also loves it. Many people frown upon it because it's Stephenie Meyer, but it's an outstanding book in my opinion.
  • RoseThePenguin
    RoseThePenguin Posts: 100 Member
    1. The Redemption of Althalus by David and Leigh Eddings
    2. Sabriel by Garth Nix
    3. Junk by Melvin Burgess

    In that order.
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    Digital Fortress- Dan Brown (I know.... I know... But it's not Da Vinci Code!)
    Night Angel Trilogy - Brent Weeks

    Nothing else I have read qualifies as a favorite.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member

    I love In Her shoes!
    Actually, you reminded me of a book I LOVE to reread

    "Good in Bed"

    Good in Bed is a great re-read also.
  • laplume06
    "Women", C. Bukowski
    "L'amour dure trois ans", F. Beigbeder
    "Quatrevingt-treize", Victor Hugo
  • SouthernSkylark
    SouthernSkylark Posts: 128 Member
    500 mile walkies - Mark Wallington
    Belgariad series - David Eddings
    Wideacre - Phillipa Gregory
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
    Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer
    Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
  • oreillyn
    oreillyn Posts: 13 Member
    The Onion Girl - Charles de Lint
    Anything by Charles de Lint
    Currently reading An Open Heart - Dali Lama

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