Daily Breakdown for carbs,fats,protein, and cholesterol

Wantabe Posts: 50 Member
Is there a breakdown for the daily requirements for carbs,fats,proteins and cholesterol or, in other words, a limit to what one can consume on a daily basis of this foods.


  • Wantabe
    Wantabe Posts: 50 Member
    Is there a breakdown for the daily requirements for carbs,fats,proteins and cholesterol or, in other words, a limit to what one can consume on a daily basis of this foods.
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Yes, once you put your info in with the TOOLS section, you can adjust what you want to show whether it's carbs, protein, cholesterol protein. I think you're allowed three to see, or four.

    You can view that under the GOALS section.
  • Wantabe
    Wantabe Posts: 50 Member
    Thx so much. :heart: