Should I be under 1200 calories?



  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    I suck at math. It says me TDEE is 1725. So does that mean I should be eating 1380? And is that net? Because I find it hard to even net 1200 per day now let alone all the way up to 1380 if I excercise.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I suck at math. It says me TDEE is 1725. So does that mean I should be eating 1380? And is that net? Because I find it hard to even net 1200 per day now let alone all the way up to 1380 if I excercise.

    1380 is a 20% cut off 1725 yes.

    If the exercise isn't in the 1725 then eat some of the exercise calories as well. If it is in the 1725 just eat the 1380.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I suck at math. It says me TDEE is 1725. So does that mean I should be eating 1380? And is that net? Because I find it hard to even net 1200 per day now let alone all the way up to 1380 if I excercise.

    If you included your exercise in the TDEE calculation then you don't need to eat back your exercise calories because they're already included.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    Thanks guys.
  • Good grief, no wonder so many people stay confused all of the time. Quit worrying about this percent or that percent. Take your own calories and bump them a little to see how that changes things. It really isn't as complex as everytime tries to make it out to be. Quit overthinking everything!!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    The short answer: NO.
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    My TDEE is 1970 and I've only been eating about 1200. I'm currently stuck on the scale but I've still been working out 5 hours per week, minimum with my trainer and boot camp classes.

    I've been told to consume about 10 cals per pound of body weight - and this is pretty darn close to my TDEE minus 20%. So I think that's a pretty good formula :)

    I was told to increase my intake gradually, about an additional 100 cals per week because I'm not eating enough. But I don't even know what else to add in! I'm already eating 5 small meals and day and I'm hardly ever hungry!!
  • bump for later
  • kazey901
    kazey901 Posts: 33
    I eat 1749 a day (always under by 100-400 calories though) and my tdee is 2628 so I need to eat 2102.

    That seems crazy to me. I am losing a lb. a week like I wanted.

    So should I up the calories or stay where I am?
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I know 1200 seems to be the limit number here, but every other website says my BMR is like..1400-1500 and that would make my 500 calorie deficit 900-1000. So should I be eating less calories? Or am I just not understanding the math correctly? I have been on MFP for a pretty long time counting calories and all i ever lost was water weight..maybe this is why?
    Find your bmr, your bmr is the amount your body needs to just stay alive, as far as I'm aware. Whereas your tdee is the amount your body needs to maintain your weight and your activity level is included in your tdee. You deduct from your tdee to get your cut, therefore because you are not eating your tdee, you will lose weight. I'm hoping that makes sense?
    I use
    Remember, the calculations are just estimates, your bmr and tdee may be higher or lower. Good luck xxx
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Out of curiosity I just did the TDEE calculator above ( fitnessfrog) and I feel like eating 1600 after the -500 is a lot of calories for me to be eating a day. I am currently eating between 1200-1400 a day, usually at 1200. I work out 2-4 times a week. Not lifting, just cardio and zumba... MAYBE I am wrong but, I wouldnt feel right eating 1600! Lol.

    The thing is that if you cut your cal too low, then your body lowers it's bmr as a measure to avoid having your orgins starting to shut down. You really can cause lasting damage if you cut your cal too low. I should probably up mine a little but I do have a splurge day here and there to help balance it a little and I'm starting to eat back some of my workout cal.
  • annretzlaff
    annretzlaff Posts: 11 Member
    i was under and went down to 900 cals and burned off 400 per weight loss came to a halt. you should never be under 1200 per day. if your eating the much and working out 40-60 min a day you HAVE to loose weight there's no way you wouldn't..:)