how many lb's did you lose before you dropped a clothes size



  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    not sure how long it took me to lose my first pants size but, I've lost over 100 pounds, I started at a tight size 28, and I'm in a loose 18. Not quite in a 16 yet. It takes a while. I have wide hips. so, I worry that they won't get any smaller, but, I'm sure they will. I'm pear shaped though. We all have different bodies, find what works for you. I try not to worry about size. More about how i feel and how healthy I am.
  • That's a good question, I have lost 211 lbs, and have lost 7's crazy because at first I had to drop about 30 lbs. to get into the next size, now it seems like I only have to drop about 15-20 lbs to get into the next size...I think it's because the muscle is heavier than the fat but is smaller than the fat. Also I think I am finally starting to lose the belly fat that I couldn't before because of so much fat else may be totally wrong, but this is the only guess I have as to why I only have to lose 20 lbs maybe if that to get into another size....

  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    I could open a store with all the sizes I have. 57 pounds so far. Went from an 18 to 12... now 12's are falling off me. I need to hit the lottery for a whole new wardrobe lol.

    But to answer your question, I've heard every 10-15 pounds is a pants size. Not sure if that's true but for me it sounds about right.
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    Great post! I am 5'10" also , and have lost 16 pounds, Starting weight almost identical to yours -- except not quite as much loss, same thing here -- no change in pant size! I have lost over 3 inches on my waist, 1.5 on my thighs and only 1/2 inch on the hips -- I can feel the difference, but just can't squeeze into that smaller size yet! Downside of being tall I guess, don't notice it as much going on, OR OFF! Nice to read the comments here. . . .am getting there!
  • tnichol4
    tnichol4 Posts: 58 Member
    i have lost 44 pounds this year, in the last month or so i have had to get all new shirts and pants because mine were all falling off. I went from a xxl to a large and an 18/20 to a 14/15. It feels so much better to wear clothes that fit instead of clothes that are falling off of you.
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    it was consistently about 8 pounds = a size for me... went from size 14ish to 2 after 44 pounds. (that's saying 14 to 12 to 10 to 8 to 6 to 4 to 2)
  • I've gone from 330 to 290 and am still in the same clothes as I was. now they just fit a little looser or differently than before.
  • HeatherTransformed
    HeatherTransformed Posts: 213 Member
    I'm also 5'10" and have lost 35 lb (now at 212 lbs) and have gone down one size in both my tops and bottoms. I wear an 18/20 top and a 14 bottom, but I only shop at Lane Bryant so these are women's sizes. I will not shop at a normal store for awhile because it'll drive what little confidence I have into the ground if a normal store doesn't fit.

    Got this site from someone at MFP... I think it's really helpful. :happy:
  • annretzlaff
    annretzlaff Posts: 11 Member
    probably 5-6 lbs was on size for me im 5'1" :)
  • I think exercise has a lot to do with it. Yes, a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of fat but muscle is denser thus more compact. The stronger you become the less you'll have to lose to drop a size. Break out the weights and you'll see the results! =) Good luck!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I go down a pants size about every 8-9lbs and a dress size every 10. No idea on shirts I've been in the same shirt size for about 15lbs now.
  • armadillolabrat
    armadillolabrat Posts: 104 Member
    Not sure of increments for each size but have lost almost 20 pounds and have gone from a size 16 to mostly 8's and 10's. 5'1'.
  • MrsCCWoods
    MrsCCWoods Posts: 142 Member
    I would say after 4 or 5 months after 50 or so pounds

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  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I am 5ft 4in, and started at 189 pounds. It took 17/18 pounds to go from size 16 to 14. The 14s fit, but are snug. Not tight, just snug. I still fit in a 16, but they are looser.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    {quote]Are you getting the measurements from the same store brand that you are trying them on? I fit into 24W of Kmart brands, but for Target brands, I need a 26W. [/quote]

    The only stores that sell clothes large enough are Pennington's/Addition-Elle/MXM (they've consolidated here in Newfoundland, so it's all one shop). MXM has a small selection, but stuff I can fit into when I can find a 3X (it only sells in the X sizes, but never carries the size I need). Pennington's and AE size charts tell me I should fit into a 18W-20W top and 24W pants. Tops I'm not worries about. I can buy those *anywhere* that sells XL. The pants are killing me. The only reason the ones I have now stay up are the elastic waistbands being too small to fall down my big butt. :laugh:

    My first size drop was with my feet. Dropped from an 8 to a 7 1/2.
  • AsiasMommy
    AsiasMommy Posts: 64 Member
    Lost 12 pounds in first month from 254 to 242, went from size 18 to a loose 16!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Yeah, it took me 18 pounds for pants. I carry a lot of my fat in my belly, and it is taking longer to come off the belly. So my pant size hasn't moved much. Still working on it.
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    Every body is different. Some of the girls here are posting about being 200+ at a size 16. I am 177 and just moved fro 16 to 14. These 14s are not going to last long, they already look like I could fit another person in the butt area. But the waist... that is my biggest difficulty.

    I also think it takes a long time to drop that first size because we've stretched out our fat clothes in the time we spent saying, "woe is me, I am fat, what can I do? eat a cake."

    So really, many of us should have been in 1-2 sizes even larger than what we were but we refused to buy "fatter" clothes so we just went around with massive muffintops. :ohwell:

    LOL -- so true!
  • shebaw79
    shebaw79 Posts: 15 Member
    When I first started out I was a size 22 I never really paid attenion to how many lbs were equal to a drop in dress size until recently. I lost 20lbsand went from a 16 to a 14 but the 14 is a bit lose. Everyone's different though. Normally they say you need to lose 10lbs to drop a size but I realize that the larger you are the more untrue that is because my midsection has been the last area to start loosing so the legs of a pants a size smaller were always comfortable but the waist would be too tight.
  • Caligirl_92
    Caligirl_92 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5'11 at I started at 205 and last time I weighed myself i was at 185. I was still in the same size 16s but they did fit better. I started getting more toned and haven't weighed myself in a month but i had to go buy new work pants because my size 16 were falling off and I am now a size 12. Quite a jump if I do say so myself :happy: Its weird but don't get discouraged if you aren't dropping the pant sizes like crazy just keep going because it WILL come off.